The Prolonged Call for Papers for the book N. Lacey, M.A. Jovanović, B. Spaić, Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories


Dear colleagues,

We are in the process of editing a forthcoming book under the title Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories, within the series Gender Perspectives in Law, Springer.

The book series Gender Perspectives in Law represents the first systematic attempt to offer an all-encompassing gender-competent legal knowledge. The necessity of a gender-sensitive approach in legal education emerges from the highest value and normative standards of modern international and national law. Educating law students (future lawyers, judges, prosecutors, civil servants, and governmental bodies), as well as students of humanities-social sciences, in a gender-sensitive and gender competent manner means investing in legal theory and practice, which are of better quality. It will also lead to more adequate interpretation and implementation of the legal framework, and better-designed public policies. It also means investing in a more just legal system by sensitizing judges in particular, and also other legal professionals in all fields of legal practice and public administration and policy decision-making. This serves the fulfillment of the ideal of contemporary law – equal respect and protection for all individuals that leads to their equal opportunities and diminishes possibilities for gender-based discrimination.

This book series aims to stimulate not only the authors but also other experts and academics from the fields of law and humanities-social sciences to re-construct their legal and multidisciplinary knowledge starting from the principle of gender equality.

Four books have already been published in 2022 within the series D. Vujadinović and I. Krstić (Eds.), Gender Perspectives in Law:

  • Book I – Dragica Vujadinović, Antonio Alvarez de Cuvillo, Susanne Strand (eds.) Feminist Approaches to Law Theoretical and Historical Insights
  • Book II – Marko Davinić and Svetislav Kostić (eds.) Gender-Competent Public Law and Policies
  • Book III – Ivana Krstić, Marco Evola, Maria Isabel Ribes Moreno (eds.), Legal Issues of International Law from a Gender Perspective
  • Book IV – Gabriele Carapezza Figlia, Ljubinka Kovačević, Eleonor Kristoffersson (eds.), Gender Perspectives in Private Law

We would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to consider submitting your work for the publication Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories, bearing in mind your research interests.

Contributions to the book Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories can cover the following issues:

  • Jurisprudence and gender
  • Feminist approaches to jurisprudence: liberalism, difference, dominance, anti-essentialism, postmodernism
  • Positivism, natural law, feminist jurisprudence
  • Developments in feminist legal theory
  • Feminist critiques of traditional legal concepts


Your paper needs to have an abstract (no more than 300 words), keywords (3 to 5), and the main text which does not exceed 35.000 characters without spaces (approximately 16 pages, plus footnotes and a reference list).

On a cover page, include your full name, affiliation, and location, as well as a short CV of 50 to 100 words.

The title and abstract shall be submitted until January 30th, 2023. The selection of abstracts will be announced until February 15th, 2023. The draft text shall be submitted until June 31st, 2023, while reviewing and selection of the texts will be conducted until July/August 2023. The book is scheduled for release in December 2023.

An abstract shall be up to 300 words and include keywords. Abstracts and papers shall be sent to the following emails:,, with a cc to:,

An email shall contain the title: Abstract/Article for the book Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories.

The articles are expected to match the strict criteria of the highest academic quality, based on two peer reviews. These should be original, unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere either in hard copy or online.

The following Springer Writing Guidelines are to be followed:

Main technical rules:

Use Times New Roman 12, space 1,5 for the main text

Use Times New Roman 10, space 1 for the footnotes

The main title of the text – Times New Roman, normal letters, big first letters, Bold, Font 14

Abstract – Times New Roman 12, space 1, bold Abstract

Keywords: Times New Roman 12, space 1, italic Keywords

Subtitles, numeration 1. …, 2…. , Times New Roman 12 , bold   1. Introduction, 2. Anti-Discrimination Law

Sub-subtitles, Times New Roman 12, bold     2.1 Anti-Discrimination Law Based on Gender 

                                                                                 2.1.1 Discrimination against  women



Please use decimal numbering headings throughout the whole book. All chapters should start with heading 1., followed by 1.1, 1.2, 2. etc. Please make sure that no heading level is skipped or used twice. Please do not refer to page numbers within the volume as the page numbering will alter during typesetting and proof corrections.

Chapter opening page:

For the first page of each chapter, we need the following information about the authors: Name, Institution (if applicable), Department (if applicable), City, Country, Email address.

Please write the contributors’ information in the manuscript directly beneath the chapter title. The contributors’ information will be published on the first page of the chapter. The contributors’ academic titles or roles cannot be included on the chapter’s first page. However, we can include short contributors’ biographies at the end of the chapter.

Please use footnotes and not endnotes

The reference list is included in the end of the paper

References and footnotes

Concerning footnotes, use the following rule author: Miller (1980), two authors: Miller and Smith (1999), three or more authors: Miller et. al. (1996)

When making the Reference list, please include the list in alphabetical order.

Concerning the Reference style, please use the Humanities style.

Cameron, Deborah. 1985. Feminism and Linguistic Theory. New York: St. Martin` s Press.

In the footnote:   Cameron (1985)

Cameron, Deborah. 1997. Theoretical debates…. In Gender and Discourse, ed. Ruth Wodak, 99-119. London: Sage: Publications.  In the footnote:    Cameron (1997), 99-119.


Please number the figures and table chapter-wise. (In case the contributors use figures or/and tables). The first figure in each chapter should be “figure 1”, and the first table in each chapter “table 1”. Please refer to each figure/table in the text, e.g., “see table 2”, “as figure 1 shows” … As the figures’/tables’ position might shift slightly during typesetting, the references to the figures/tables are important. In the online version, we will link from the references to the respective figure/table. Each figure must have a legend, and each table a caption. Please indicate the source of each figure or table.

If the figures/tables are not created by the contributors themselves, especially for this volume, or have been published before, we need the copyright holders’ permission to reuse those figures/tables in the online and print versions.

Other instructions on manuscript preparation are available at:

Please, be aware that we cannot take forward papers that do not conform to the technical rules.
