Leading partner – Europa Institut Saarland University
Texbook Proposal (PDF)
Description of the Intellectual Output – The Publication
The Curriculum Law and Gender consists of 4 mandatory courses and 13 optional courses, plus the obligatory Gender Equality Legal Clinic. That is why the Textbook Gender Sensitive Legal Education will encompass 17 texts plus Introductory one, plus the article on the Gender Equality Legal Clinic. It will amount around 400 to 500 pages. The nature of that publication imposes a rather huge volume. Namely, the contents of all syllabi for all mandatory and optional courses for the master`s program Law and Gender will be covered by these articles. The articles will be scientific analysis of all legal fields of knowledge related to the positive civil, public, international, criminal law, European Union Law, as well as to the legal-economic, legal-historical, theoretical-legal fields of legal education. The traditional interpretation of the mentioned fields of the legal education and knowledge production will be “deconstructed” and “constructed” again (metaphorically speaking), meaning that they will be reconsidered and re-written from the gender sensitive point of view. Visibility of the female half of the population will have to be accomplished in demonstrating how the premodern law defined discriminatory the female persons, how the modern law made also women invisible in the concepts of the universal rights of men and citizens, e.g. identified the notion of legal universality and equality with the male population, how women had to fight from 18th century and further on for becoming visible in law and for getting the equal right to vote, education and in general, how women`s rights have to be promoted in the frame of human rights protection, how gender equality has been framed in different dimensions and fields of law and legal education. All traditional interpretations of the history of law, of creating, interpreting and implementing legal norms, of a sense and mission of the legal education and law as such will be reconsidered in order that female legal subjectivity be recognized and become visible, that the importance of gender equality for the rule of law and for the sustainable economic and social development be understood. This Textbook will be the pioneering all-encompassing attempt to integrate systematically the gender perspective into the field of law, and will be necessary teaching material for the implementation of the master`s study program. Of course, it will be only the basic teaching material, the search for other sources will be necessary from the beginning. The fact is however that there are no many academic sources for gender sensitive legal education. This Textbook will certainly stimulate the authors involved but also many others to continue with reconsidering their legal fields of professional affiliation and to write alone after these particular articles also the whole gender sensitive textbooks for their courses. The educators will pass through an innovative learning process and thusly will be additionally educated. That is how the spiral of a progressive gender mainstreaming of legal education will be promoted. Structural conservatism linked to the legal education which has been being traditionally susceptible to the influence of innovations and critical self-reviewing will be put into question, and accepting the risk of struggling against the defenders of the status quo will be accepted by rising numbers of the legal professors and professionals.
Learning outcomes for the professors – Personal mindsets of the professors will be gradually changed, their knowledge production and their lectures, their teaching materials, as well as the pedagogic approach will be more or less steadily or fast changed. Educators will be educated, or will additionally educate themselves.
Learning outcomes for the students – Students have been by definition permissive for stimulative, open minded, interactive approach of professors. If gender sensitive and human rights and anti-discrimination centered legal education has been transferred to students in an authentic way, meaning – by the teachers who have sincerely interiorized gender equality and human rights protection approach to legal issues, that will be the best way that students follow and accept the progressive stances of their educators.
For each article a few authors from different consortium members will be involved. The team building through writing the same article by different professors from different educational and cultural background will certainly present the added value of this endeavor. Culture of dialogue, intensive discussions, sharing of reasearch and writing duties, aiming at the final common output, e.g. the article which will at best achieve the gender sensitive reconstrucyting of the legal knowledge in a particular field will be an extremely exciting, innovative and challenging academic undertaking.
Topics of the texts:
- Practical Skills (Research Methodology, English Terminology, Internet Skills)
- Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History
- Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective
- Feminist Jurisprudence
- Civil Law and Gender Equality
- Public Law and Gender Equality
- Feminist Economics/Gender Economics
- Gender Equality and Business Law
- Gender Equitable Taxation
- Gender Sensitive Family Law
- Gender Sensitive Criminal Law
- Gender Sensitive Criminology
- International and EU Law and Gender Equality
- Gender Perspective of Labor and Social Security Law
- Sociology of Law and Gender Equality
- Feminist Judgments
- Public Policies on Gender Equality