The University of Belgrade is one of the oldest university centers in the region. It was established in the first half of the XIX century and has a long tradition of the leading educational institution. The University played a role of Alma mater of all the universities in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, as well as in the large part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presently, the University of Belgrade comprises 31 faculties, eight research institutes and a University library. It conjugates approximately 2,500 professors and about 78,000 students, a significant number of which are from the neighboring countries. Currently the University of Belgrade and its Faculty of Law are ranked among the top 201-300 universities according to the Shanghai Academic Ranking of world universities and continue to develop an internationally-oriented approach to the teaching of law. This commitment allows the Faculty of Law to attract students from different countries through the Erasmus+ program and other
programs of international exchange. In addition foreign students often enrol at Masters Program in European Integrations which is entirely taught in English language. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Centre Européen Universitaire de Nancy – Université de Lorraine, it offers a French-language degree – Le Master «Etudes Européennes», 2e année, spécialité «Droit de la Construction européenne».
The Faculty of Law, established in 1808 as part of the University of Belgrade, is one of the largest law faculties in the region, with a long tradition of being in the forefront of the country’s legal education. The Faculty has always rallied distinguished scholars and excellent lecturers. Since its founding, it has educated almost 50,000 law graduates, around 1,200 magistri iuris and 830 doctores iuris, as well as hundreds of specialists in various areas. A great many Faculty of Law alumni have become recognised experts and scholars in all branches of law, law professors and high ranking government officials. At present there are about 8.000 students enrolled in the undergraduate studies, and hundreds more at various levels of post-graduate studies (23 master programmes and 16 doctoral programmes). Studying at undergraduate, master and doctoral studies has been oriented interdisciplinary, so that the study programs offer knowledge not only from a narrow legal perspective, but in fact from the sociological, economic and politico-logical disciplines
as well, all the while whilst stressing the training of the students to apply the knowledge gained in this program in the legal practice. Legal Clinic for Anti-discrimination Law helps to address unmet legal need in the community regarding discrimination, and hundreds of legal experts and law students volunteer across this clinic. Gender Studies are taught as an optional course at undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law. Gender research at the Faculty includes hosting an international conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education which in 2017 brought together university professors, experts, and policy-makers to discuss emerging issues and best practice of gender mainstreaming in higher education, with the focus on gender mainstreaming in legal education. Faculty of Law was the first among all faculties
and universities in Serbia to introduce the Gender Action Plan for achieving gender equality, which included assessing and reviewing existing as well as designing new regulations and practices aimed at detecting and correcting gender inequalities at the Faculty of Law. The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law continually modernises its curriculum, introducing new technologies, thus advancing the learning facilities and enriching its highly qualified academic staff, which now encompasses over 120 professors and lecturers. The majority of the teaching staff is represented by young associates, a large number of whom have graduated from renowned foreign academic institutions. Faculty of Law has the finest academic library in the region, occupying the area of 2,000 sq. meters, with the collection of 154,207 monographs, 2,889 titles with 34,609 years of serial publications, reference collection with over 500 encyclopaedias, lexicons, dictionaries and other reference books, and a priceless collection of 91 rarities (featuring several XVII and XVIII century rarity books).
University of Belgrade is the partner in the H2020 project on Gender Action Plans. Faculty of Law has had a Legal Clinic for Anti-discrimination Law. Gender Studies course is taught at undergraduate studies. International conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education: International Good Practices and Local Contexts was organised by the members of this project team. Pioneering project to develop the Action Plan for Achieving Gender Equality at the Faculty of Law was conducted in 2018, and all key persons for this project took part in it.The key persons and their expertise specifically related in this project are