Literature on gender issues of importance for all mandatory and optional courses Katharine T. Bartlett et al., Gender and Law: Theory, Doctrine, Commentary, 7th edition, Wolters Kluwer, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-1454880868; ISBN-10: 1454880864; Regina Graycar, Jenny Morgan, The Hidden Gender of Law, 2nd edition, The Federation Press, 2002, ISBN 9781862873407; Rosemary Auchmuty, Great Debates in Gender and Law, Red Global Press, 2018, ISBN 9781137610997; Judith A. Baer – Our Lives before the Law, Construing a Feminist Jurisprudence, Princeton University Press, 1999. Akwugo Emejulu, ‘On the problems and possibilities of feminist Solidarity: The Women’s March one year on’ (2018) 24(4) IPPR Progressive Review, 267. Joanne Conaghan – Law and Gender, Oxford University Press, 2013. Marie A. Failinger, Elizabeth R. Schiltz, Susan J. Stabile eds., Feminism, Law and Religion, Gender in Law, Culture and Society, ASHGATE; Catharine A. MacKinnon – Feminism Unmodified, Discourses on Life and Law, Harvard University Press, 1988; Irene Gedalof, Narratives of Difference in an Age of Austerity (Palgrave, 2018). Gina Heathcote, Feminist Dialogues on International Law (Oxford University Press, 2019, Published: 31 January 2019, 256 Pages, 234x156mm, ISBN: 9780199685103). Insa Koch, Personalising the State: Punishment, Class and State Failure in Urban Britain (Oxford University Press, 2018). Nicola Lacey, Unspeakable Subjects: Feminist Essays in Legal and Social Theory (Hart, 1998). Nicola Lacey, Women, Crime and Character: From Moll Flanders to Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Oxford University Press, 2008). Nicola Lacey, In Search of Criminal Responsibility: Ideas, Interests and Institutions (Oxford University Press, 2016). Arlie Loughnan, ‘Women ’s responsibility for crime: Dynamics of change in Australia since the turn of the twentieth century’ (2018) 5(2), Law & History,137. Susan James, Stephanie Palmer , Visible Women: Essays on Feminist Legal Theory and Political Philosophy, Bloomsbury Publishing, Feb 1, 2002 – Law – 216 pages; Nicholas Bamforth, David A. J., Richards Patriarchal Religion, Sexuality, and Gender: A Critique of … 2007, 2007, SBN 978-0-521-86863-1 (This book is of relevance as part of the literature for the Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History); U. Schulz, G. Show, Gender and Judging, Oxford and Portland UP, 2013 (This book is of relevance for the section related to Feminist Judgments, Sociology of Law, Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education, Public Law); Jackie Jones et al. (eds.), Gender, Sexualities and Law, Routledge, 2011, ISBN-13: 978-0415574396, ISBN-10: 0415574390; Susan Atkins, Brenda Hoggett, Women and the Law, Basil Blackwell, 1984; Laura Palazzani, Gender in Philosophy and Law, Springer, Heidelberg 2012. (The book is also important for Feminist Jurisprudence); Jeff R Hearn, Men of the World: Genders, Globalizations, Transnational Times, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2015; Ulrike Schultz, Gisela Shaw, Women in the World’s Legal Professions, Hart Publishing, 2003, ISBN 9781841133201; Susanne Klein (ed.), Achieving Gender Equity through Education, Routledge 2017; Willie Pearson, Jr., Lisa M. Frehill, Connie L. McNeely ed., Advancing Women in Science, Springer 2015; Londa Schiebinger ed. Gendered Innovations in Science and Engineering, Stanford University Press 2008; Katharine T. Bartlett, Deborah L. Rhode, Gender and Law: Theory, Doctrine, Commentary; Georgia Warnke, After Indentity – Rethinking Race, Sex and Gender, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007; Sarah Song, Justice, Gender and the Politics of Multiculturalism, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007; Great Debates in Gender and the Law, ed. by Rosemary Auchmuty, Palgrave 2018 Palgrave, ISBN 978-1-137-61099-7; Rob George, Relocation Disputes: Law and Practice in England and New Zealand, 2014, ISBN 978-1-84946-466-6; Joanne Conaghan , Law and Gender, 2013, ISBN 978-0-19-959292-0; Richard Collier, Men, Law and Gender: Essays on the ‘Man’ of Law, 2010, ISBN978-1-904385-49-3; Jackie Jones, Anna Grear, Rachel Anne Fenton, Gender, Sexualities and Law, 2011, ISBN 978-0-415-5749-6 (This book is also of relevance for the Gender Sensitive Family Law section); Niamh Reilly, Stacey Scriver, Religion, Gender, and the Public Sphere, 2013 , ISBN978-0-415-84384-3. Practical Skills Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History Ågren, Maria, Domestic Secrets: Women and Property in Sweden, 1600-1857, 2009 (also relevant for Civil Law); Ågren, Maria, Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society, Oxford University Press 2016 (also relevant for Labour and Social Security Law); Albertson Fineman, Martha, Transcending the Boundaries of Law: Generations of Feminism and Legal Theory, Routledge, 2010; Arjava, Antti, Women and Law in Late Antiquity, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1998; Arnot, Margaret and Cornelie Usborne (eds.), Gender and Crime in Modern Europe (Women’s and Gender History), UCL Press 1999 (also relevant for Criminal Law, and Criminology); Badinter, Elisabeth, Myth of Motherhood: An Historical View of Maternal Instinct, Condor Books, 1982; Bartley, Paula, Votes for Women 1860-1928, Hodder Education 2004 (3r ed.); Bellavitis, Anna (ed.), North vs South ? Gender, Law, Economy in Early Modern and Modern Europe (15th-19th c.), New York: Routledge 2018; Benedict XVI, Robert Sarah, From the depths of our hearts: priesthood, celibacy and the crisis of the Catholic Church, Ignatius press, 2020; Bennett, Judith and Ruth Karras (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, Oxford University Press 2013; Bolger, Diane and Nancy Serwint (eds), Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society in Ancient Cyprus, American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston 2002; Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century, The University of Chicago Press, 1980; Bosworth, Mary and Jeanne Flavin (eds.), Race, Gender, and Punishment: From Colonialism to the War on Terror, Rutgers University Press, 2007; Brundage, James A., Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe, The University of Chicago Press, 1987; Byrne, Lavinia, Woman at the altar: The ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church, Continuum 1999; Cameron, Averil and Amélie Kuhrt (eds.), Images of Women in Antiquity (2nd revised edition), Routledge, London 1993; Carey, C., “Rape and Adultery in Athenian Law”, The Classical Quarterly vol. 45, 2/1995, 407-417; Chavalas, Mark W. (ed.), Women in the Ancient Near East: A Sourcebook, Routledge, 2013; Clay, Catherine, Chandrika Paul and Christine Senecal, Envisioning Women in World History: Prehistory to 1500, McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2008; Cohen, Edward E., Athenian Prostitution: The Business of Sex, Oxford University Press, 2015; Cowman, Krista, Nina Javette Koefoed and Åsa Karlsson Sjögren (eds.), Gender in Urban Europe: Sites of Political Activity and Citizenship, 1750-1900, Routledge 2018; Cox, Elizabeth, Liz Herbert McAvoy and Roberta Magnani (eds.), Reconsidering Gender, Time and Memory in Medieval Culture, D. S. Brewer 2015; Cremer, Annette Caroline (ed.), Gender, Law and Material Culture: Immobile Property and Mobile Goods in Early Modern Europe, Routledge 2020; Durrant, Jonathan B., Witchcraft, Gender and Society in Early Modern Germany, Brill 2007; Ekholst, Christine, A Punishment for Each Criminal: Gender and Crime in Swedish Medieval Law, Brill 2014 (Book is also relevant for Criminal Law, and Criminology); Evans Clements, Barbara, A History of Women in Russia from Earliest Times to the Present, Indiana University Press 2012; Evans Grubbs, Judith, Women and the Law in the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook on Marriage, Divorce and Widowhood, Routledge 2002; Failinger, Marie A., Elizabeth R. Schiltz and Susan J. Stabile (eds.), Feminism, Law, and Religion, Ashgate 2013; Gangoli, Geetanjali, Indian Feminisms: Law, Patriarchies and Feminism in India, Ashgate Publishing, 2007; Gartner, Rosemary and Bill McCarthy (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Crime, Oxford University Press 2014 (also relevant for Criminal Law, and Criminology); Goldman, Wendy Z., Women, the State & Revolution: Soviet Family Policy & Social Life, 1917-1936, Cambridge University Press 1995; Gottschalk, Karin (ed.), Gender Difference in European Legal Cultures. Historical Perspectives. Dedicated to Heide Wunder on the occasion of her 70th Birthday, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013; Graves-Brown, Carolyn, Dancing for Hathor: Women in Ancient Egypt, Continuum 2010; Hamzić, Vanja, Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Muslim World: History, Law and Vernacular Knowledge, I.B.Tauris 2016; Hawley, Richard and Barbara Levick (eds.), Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, Routledge 1995; Jacobsen, Grethe and Heide Wunder (eds.), East Meets West. A Gendered View of Legal Traditions, Kiel 2015; Jacobsen, Grethe, Helle Vogt, Inger Dübeck and Heide Wunder (eds.): Less Favored- More Favored. Proceedings from a Conference on Gender in European Legal History, 12th-19th Centuries, Kopenhagen 2004; Jagodinsky, Katrina, Legal Codes and Talking Trees: Indigenous Women’s Sovereignty in the Sonoran and Puget Sound Borderlands, 1854-1946, Yale University Press 2016; James, Sharon L. and Sheila Dillon (eds.), A Companion to Women in the Ancient World, Wiley-Blackwell 2012; Jones, Jackie, Anna Grear, Rachel Anne Fenton and Kim Stevenson (eds.), Gender, Sexualities and Law, Routledge 2011; Jones, Karen, Gender and Petty Crime in Late Medieval England: The Local Courts in Kent, 1460-1560, Boydell Press 2006 (also relevant for Criminal Law, and Criminology); Kane, Bronach C., Popular Memory and Gender in Medieval England: Men, Women, and Testimony in the Church Courts, c.1200-1500, Boydell Press 2019; Kapparis, Konstantinos, Women in the Law Courts of Classical Athens, Edinburgh University Press, 2021; Kimble, Sara L. and Marion Röwekamp (eds.), New Perspectives on European Women’s Legal History, Routledge 2017; Kingston-Mann, Esther, Women, Land Rights and Rural Development: How Much Land Does a Woman Need?, Routledge 2018. (also relevant for Civil Law); Krueger, Christine L., Reading for the Law: British Literary History and Gender Advocacy, University of Virginia Press 2010; Laiou, Angeliki E. (ed.), Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies, Dumbarton Oaks 1993; Laqueur, Thomas, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, Harvard University Press, 1992; Lerner, Gerda, The Creation of Patriarchy, Oxford University Press, 1986; Levin, Eve, Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900-1700, Cornell University Press, 1989; MacLachlan, Bonnie, Women in ancient Rome: a sourcebook, Bloomsbury, 2013; Macy, Gary, The Hidden History of Women’s Ordination: Female Clergy in the Medieval West, Oxford University Press, 2007; Marsman, Hennie J., Women in Ugarit and Israel: Their Social and Religious Position in the Context of the Ancient Near East, Brill 2003; Matthews, Victor H., Bernard M. Levinson and Tikva Frymer-Kensky (eds.), Gender and Law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East, Sheffield 1998; McClure, Laura K. (ed.), Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World: Readings and Sources, Blackwell Publishers 2002; McDermid, Jane and Anna Hillyar, Midwives of the Revolution: Female Bolsheviks and Women Workers in 1917, UCL Press, London 1999; Meade, Teresa A. and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (eds.), A Companion to Gender History, Blackwell Publishing, Malden-Oxford-Melbourne, 2004; Meder, Stephan and Christoph-Eric Mecke (eds.), Family Law in Early Women’s Rights Debates, Cologne, 2013; Meder, Stephan und Christoph-Eric Mecke (Hrg.), Reformforderungen zum Familienrecht International. Band 1: Westeuropa und die USA (1830–1914), Böhlau Köln, 2015; Menuge, Noël James (ed.), Medieval Women and the Law, Boydell 2003; Miglorino Miller, Monica, The authority of women in the Catholic Church, Emmaus road, 2015 Mossman, Mary Jane, The First Women Lawyers – A Comparative Study of Gender, Law And the Legal Professions, Hart Publishing 2006; Moore, Lindsay R., Women before the court: Law and patriarchy in the Anglo-American world, 1600–1800, Manchester University Press, 2019; Murray, Mary, The Law of the Father?: Patriarchy in the transition from feudalism to capitalism, Routledge 1995; Nguyen, Nghiem L., “Roman Rape: An Overview of Roman Rape Laws from the Republican Period to Justinian’s Reign”, Michigan Journal of Gender & Law vol. 13/2006, 75-112; Noonan, Norma Corigliano and Carol Nechemias (eds.), Encyclopedia of Russian Women’s Movements, Greenwood Press 2001; Pateman, Carole, The Sexual Contract, Stanford University Press, 1998; Patterson, Cynthia B., The Family in Greek History, Harvard University Press, 1998; Peled, Ilan, Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible, London, Routledge, 2019; Penner, Todd and Caroline Vander Stichele (eds.), Mapping Gender in Ancient Religious Discourses, Brill 2006; Pomeroy, Sarah, Women in Hellenistic Egypt: From Alexander to Cleopatra, Schocken Books 1984; Pomeroy, Sarah, Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity, Shocken Books, 1995; Pushkareva, Natalia, Women in Russian History: From the Tenth to the Twentieth Century (translated and edited by Eve Levin), M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1997; Ranke-Heinemann, Uta, Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven: Women, Sexuality, and the Catholic Church, Doubleday, 1990; Rendall, Jane, The Origins of Modern Feminism: Women in Britain, France and the United States 1780–1860, Macmillan UK, 1985 (also relevant for Feminist Jurisprudence); Richardson, Sarah, The Political Worlds of Women: Gender and Politics in Nineteenth Century Britain, Routledge 2013 (also relevant for Public Law); Ruggiero, Guido, The Boundaries of Eros: Sex Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice, Oxford University Press, 1985; Seltman, Charles, Women in Antiquity, Thames and Hudson, London – New York 1956; Schandevyl, Eva (ed.), Women in Law and Lawmaking in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe, Farnham: Ashgate Publishing House, 2014; Schaps, David M., Economic rights of women in ancient Greece, Edinburgh University Press, 1979; Schaus, Margaret C. (ed.), Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia, Routledge 2006; Schmitt Pantel, Pauline (ed.), A History of Women in the West, vol. I: From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints, Belknap Press / Harvard University Press 1992; Self, Helen J., Prostitution, Women and Misuse of the Law: The Fallen Daughters of Eve, 2003; Silver, Morris, Slave-Wives, Single Women and “Bastards” in the Ancient Greek World: Law and Economics Perspectives, Oxbow Books, Oxford 2017; Spence, Jean, Sarah Jane Aiston and Maureen M. Meikle (eds.), Women, education, and agency, 1600-2000, Routledge 2010; Sperling, Jutta Gisela and Shona Kelly Wray (eds.), Across the Religious Divide: Women, Property, and Law in the Wider Mediterranean (ca. 1300-1800), Routledge 2009 (also relevant for Civil Law); St. Pierre, Simone M., The struggle to serve: The ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church, McFarland & Co, 2011; Stites, Richard, The Women’s Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism, and Bolshevism 1860-1930, Princeston University Press, 1990; Stratton, Kimberly B., Naming the Witch: Magic, Ideology, & Stereotype in the Ancient World, Columbia University Press 2007; Szto, Mary, “Gender and the Chinese Legal Profession in Historical Perspective – From Heaven and Earth to Rule of Women”, Texas Journal of Women and the Law, vol. 18, 2/2009, 195-261; Tetlow, Elisabeth Meier, Women, Crime and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society, vol. 1: The Ancient Near East; vol. 2: Ancient Greece, Bloomsbury 2005; Therborn, Göran, Between Sex and Power: Family in the world, 1900-2000, Routledge 2004; Thomas, Tracy A. and Tracey Jean Boisseau (eds.), Feminist Legal History: Essays on Women and Law, NYU Press 2011; Tighe-Mooney, Sharon, What about me? Women and the Catholic Church, Mercier Press, 2018; Treggiari, Susan, Roman Marriage: Iusti Coniuges from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian, Clarendon Press 1991; Tucker, Judith, Women, Family and Gender in Islamic Law, Cambridge University Press 2008; Tyldesley, Joyce A., Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt, Penguin Books 1995; van Houts, Elisabeth, Memory and Gender in Medieval Europe, 900-1200, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999; Walker, Garthine, Crime, gender, and social order in early modern England, Cambridge University Press 2003 (Book is also relevant for Criminal Law, and Criminology); Wemple, Suzanne Fonay, Women in Frankish Society: Marriage and the Cloister 500 to 900, University of Pennsylvania Press 1981; Whitlock, Tammy C., Crime, Gender and Consumer Culture in Nineteenth-Century England, Routledge 2016 (also relevant for Criminal Law and Criminology); Zilfi, Madeline C., Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire, Cambridge University Press, 2010; Ancel, Marc (ed.), La condition de la femme dans la société contemporaine, Sirey, Paris 1938; Bonnet, M.-J., Histoire de l’émancipation des femmes, Rennes, Ouest France, 2012; Fraisse, G., Les femmes et leur histoire, Gallimard, Paris 2010; Montreynaud, F., Le XXè siècle des femmes, Nathan, Paris 1989; Pisier, É., Le droit des femmes, Dalloz, Paris 2007 Folianty, Lena und Ulrike Lembke, Feministische Rechtswissenschaft. Ein Studienbuch, Baden-Baden 2006, (2., aktualisierte und überarb. Aufl. 2012); Gerhard, Ute (Hrg.), Frauen in der Geschichte des Rechts: Von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart, C.H. Beck, 1997; Meder, Stephan, Die Rechtsstellung der Frau um 1900: Eine kommentierte Quellensammlung, Böhlau Köln, 2010; Meder, Stephan, Arne Duncker und Andrea Czelk (Hrg.), Frauenrecht und Rechtsgeschichte Die Rechtskämpfe der deutschen Frauenbewegung, Böhlau Verlag 2006; Vardiman, E. E., Die Frau in der Antike: Eine Sittengeschichte, Econ 1982; Boni, Geraldina e Andrea Zanotti, Sangue e diritto nella Chiesa. Contributo ad una lettura dell’Occidente cristiano, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009; Белова, А.В., Пушкарева, Н.Л. (ред.), Женщины и мужчины в контексте исторических перемен (2 тома), Институт этнологии и антропологии РАН. – Москва 2012; Вардиман, Е., Женщина в древнем мире, Москва, Наука 1990; Гавров, Сергей Н., Историческое изменение институтов семьи и брака. МГУДТ, 2009 (also relevant for Family Law); Кулишер, М.И., Развод и положение женщины, Санкт-Петербург 1896; Лихачева, Е., Материалы для истории женского образования в России 1086-1856, Санкт-Петербург 1899; Павлов, А.А. и Семенов, В.А. (ред.), Гендерная теория и историческое знание: материалы Второй научно-практической конференции 3–4 октября. Сыктывкар: Изд-во СыктГУ, 2005; Пушкарева, Наталья, Женщины Древней Руси, Москва: Мысль 1989; Пушкарева, Наталья, Частная жизнь женщины в Древней Руси и Московии. Невеста, жена, любовница, Ломоносов 2011; Репина, Лорина П., Женщины и мужчины в истории: Новая картина европейского прошлого. Очерки. Хрестоматия. М.: «Российская политическая энциклопедия» (РОССПЭН), 2002; Andrijević, A., Naš brak i reforma njegova, Veliki Bečkerek 1919; Božinović, Neda, Žensko pitanje u Srbiji u XIX i XX veku, Beograd 1996; Ćirković, Stevan, Žena i diplomacija: treba li i ženama dopustiti stupanje u diplomatsku službu?, Beograd 1928; Čulinović, Ferdo, Žena u našem krivičnom pravu, Beograd 1934; Dinić-Knežević, Dušanka, Položaj žena u Dubrovniku u XIII i XIV veku, SANU, Beograd 1974; Dinić-Knežević, Dušanka, „Žene u ogledalu Dušanovog zakonika“, u Sima Ćirković, Kosta Čavoški (prir.), Zakonik cara Stefana Dušana: zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa održanog 3. oktobra 2000, povodom 650 godina od proglašenja, SANU, Beograd 2005, 57-65; Gudac Dodić, Vera, Žena u socijalizmu: položaj žene u Srbiji u drugoj polovini 20. veka, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, Beograd 2006; Margetić, Lujo, Hrvatsko srednjovjekovno obiteljsko i nasljedno pravo, Narodne Novine, Zagreb 1996; Perić, Živojin, Lično bračno pravo po Srpskom građanskom zakoniku, Beograd 1934; Perić, Živojin, Zadružno pravo po Građanskom zakoniku Kraljevine Srbije, Beograd 1912-24; Popović, Marko, Milan Ristović i Miroslav Timotijević, Istorija privatnog života u Srba, Beograd 2012; Srbija u modernizacijskim procesima 19. i 20. veka 2: Položaj žene kao merilo modernizacije (zbornik radova s naučnog skupa), Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, Beograd, 1998; Stanimirović, Vojislav, Brak i bračna davanja, Pravni fakultet / Službeni glasnik, Beograd 2006; Stanimirović, Vojislav, „Snaga običaja – porodica u Srpskom građanskom zakoniku između starog i novog“, u Milena Polojac, Zoran Mirković, Marko Đurđević (prir.), Srpski građanski zakonik – 170 godina, Pravni fakultet, Beograd 2014, 145-165; Vujadinović, Dragica i Vojislav Stanimirović (prir.), Studije roda, Pravni fakultet, Beograd 2019; Vuletić, Aleksandra, Porodica u Srbiji sredinom 19. veka, Beograd 2002; Vuletić, Aleksandra, Brak u Kneževini Srbiji, Beograd 2008; Žunić, Natalija, Politička prava žena u Srbiji u drugoj polovini XX veka, doktorska disertacija odbranjena na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2016. Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective Karen Knop ed, Gender and Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 2006; Sally Engle Merry, Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International …, 2009, ISBN 0-226-52074-9; Knop, Gender and Human Rights, Oxford UP 2006 (This book is of relevance for the section on Public Law and Criminal Law); Zakia Salime, Between Feminism and Islam, Human Rights and Sharia Law, University of Minesota Press, 2011; H. Irving, Constitutions and Gender, Edward Elger (This book is of relevance for the section on Public Law and International and European Law); Catharine MacKinnon, Are Women Human, Harvard UP 2007 (This book is of relevance for the section on Criminal Law, Criminology, Sociology of Law); Catherin MacKinnon, Are Women Human, Harvard University Press 2006; Ulrike Lembke Hrsg., Menschenrechte und Geschlecht, Nomos 2014; Vijau Kumar Gipta, Gender Discrimination & Human Rights, PBT Limited, 2008; Clare Cushman (Ed.), Supreme Court Decisions and Women′s Rights, Second Edition (the book is also relevant for Feminist Judgments); Sandra Fredman, Discrimination Law, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2011; Hilda Scott, Sweden’s “Right to Be Human”. Sex-Role Equality: The Goal and the Reality, M.E. Sharpe, 1981; Tina Johnson, Gender and Human Rights in the Commonwealth: Some Critical …, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2004, ISBN 0-85092-808-7; Sally Engle Merry, Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International …, 2009, ISBN 0-226-52074-9; Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, Hélène Tigroudja, Women’s human rights and the elimination of discrimination = Les droits des femmes et l’élimination de la discrimination, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2016- ISBN: 978-90-04-32755-9; Katherine Turk, Equality on trial: gender and rights in the modern American workplace, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, ISBN: 978-0-8122-4820-3 (This book can be of relevance for the GENDER ISSUES IN COMPARATIVE LEGAL HISTORY section). Feminist Jurisprudence Frances E. Olsen (ed.), Feminist Legal Theory, NYU Press, 1995; Valerie Bryson, Feminist Political Theory: An Introduction, Macmillan, 1992; Robin West, Cynthia Grant Bowman, Research handbook on feminist jurisprudence Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019ISBN: 978-1-78643-968-0; Hilaire Barnett, Introduction to Feminist Jurisprudence, Cavendish Publishing Limited, London, Sydney, 1998; Laura Palazzani, Gender in Philosophy and Law, Springer, Heidelberg 2012. (Book is also important for Feminist Jurisprudence); Gerda Lerner, The Creation of Patriarchy, Oxford University Press, 1987; Jean Grimshaw, Feminist Philosophers: Women’s Perspectives on Philosophical Traditions, Wheatsheaf Books, 1986; Jill Marshall, Feminist Jurisprudence, Keeping the Subject Alive, Feminist Legal Studies, 2006; Askin K.D. (1997). War Crimes Against Women. Dordecht, Kluwer Law International; Askin, K.D. & Koenig, D.M., (eds.), Women and International Human Rights Law (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers Inc.) Vol. 1 (1999), Vol 2. (2000), Vol. 3 (2001), Vol. 4 (2004); Balkin J.M. (1994). Being Just with Deconstruction. Social and Legal Studies 3:393–404; Barnett H. (1997). Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence. London, Cavendish Publishing Ltd.; Barron A. (2000). Feminism, Aestheticism and the Limits of Law. Feminist Legal Studies; Barron A. (1993). Illusions of “I”: Citizenship and the Politics of Identity. In: Norrie A. (eds). Closure or Critique. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 80–100; Battersby C. (1998). The Phenomenal Woman: Feminist Metaphysics and the Patterns of Identity. Cambridge, Polity Press; Benhabib S., and Cornell D. (1987). Feminism and Critique. Oxford, Polity Press; Benhabib S. (1992). Situating the Self. Cambridge, Polity Press; Benhabib S., Butler J., Cornell D., and Fraser N. (1995). Feminist Contentions. New York and London, Routledge; Benhabib S. (2002). Sexual Difference and Collective Identities: The New Global Constellation. In: James S., Palmer S. (eds). Visible Women. Oxford, Hart Publishing, pp. 137–158; Brown W. (1995). States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton, Princeton University Press; Butler J. (1990). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York and London, Routledge; Butler, J. & Scott, J. (eds.), Feminists Theorise the Political (New York and London: Routledge, 1992; Charlesworth H., Chinkin C. (2000). The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis. Manchester, Manchester University Press; Conaghan J. (2000). Reassessing the Feminist Theoretical Project in Law. Journal of Law and Society 27:351–385; Cook, R.J. (ed.), Human Rights of Women (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Press, 1994; Cornell D. (1988). Institutionalization of Meaning: Recollective Imagination and the Potential for Transformative Legal Interpretation. University of Pennsylvania Law Review; Cornell, D., Rosenfeld, M. & Carlson, D. (eds.), Hegel and Legal Theory (New York and London: Routledge, 1991; Cornell D. (1991). Beyond Accommodation: Ethical Feminism, Deconstruction and the Law. New York and London, Routledge; Cornell D. (1992). The Philosophy of the Limit. New York and London, Routledge; Cornell D. (1995). The Imaginary Domain: Abortion, Pornography and Sexual Harassment. New York and London, Routledge; Cornell D. (1998). At the Heart of Freedom: Feminism, Sex and Equality. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press; de Beauvoir S. (1953). The Second Sex. London, Jonathan Cape; Dilman I. (1991). Sartre and Our Identity As Individuals. In: Cockburn D. (eds). Human Beings The Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 29. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 245–265; Di Stefano C. (1990). Dilemmas of Difference: Feminism, Modernity, and Postmodernism. In: Nicholson L. (eds). Feminism/Postmodernism. New York and London, Routledge, pp. 63–82; Dworkin R. (1977). Taking Rights Seriously. London, Duckworth; Frazer E., Lacey N. (1993). The Politics of the Community: A Feminist Critique of the Liberal-Communitarian Debate. Hemel Hempstead, Harvester; Fredman S. (1997). Women and the Law. Oxford, Clarendon Press; Gardam J. (1997). Women and the Law of Armed Conflict: Why the Silence?. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 46:55–80; Gilligan C. (1982). In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development. London, Harvard University Press; Giddens A. (1991). Modernity and Self-identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge, Polity Press; Griffiths M. (1995). Feminisms and the Self: The Web of Identity. New York and London, Routledge; Harris A., (1990). Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory. Stanford Law Review 42:581–616; Hartsock N. 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New York: Routledge, Chapman and Hall; Dalton, C. 1985. An essay in the deconstruction of contract doctrine, Yale Law Journal, 94: 997–1114; Downs, D. A. 1996. More than Victims: Battered Women, the Syndrome Society, and the Law. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; DuBois, E. C., Dunlap, M. C., Gilligan, C. J., MacKinnon, C. A., Marcus, I., Menkel-Meadow, C. J., and Spiegelman, P. J. 1985. Feminist discourse, moral values, and the law: a conversation, Buffalo Law Review, 34: 11–87; Feminist Discourse 1985. Moral values, and the law—a conversation, Buffalo Law Review, 55: 11–87; (p. 317) Fineman, M. A. 1995. The Neutered Mother, the Sexual Family, and other Twentieth Century Tragedies. New York: Routledge; Finley, L. 1986. Transcending equality theory: a way out of the maternity and the workplace debate. Columbia Law Review, 86: 1118–82; France, A. 2002 [1894]. The Red Lily. Rockville, Md.: Wildside Press; Gilligan, C. 1982. In a Different Voice. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press; Ginsburg, R. B. 1978. Sex equality and the Constitution. Tulane Law Review, 52: 451–3; Goldstein, L. F. (ed.) 1992. Feminist Jurisprudence: The Difference Debate. Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield; Guinier, L., Fine, M., and Balin, J. 1997. Becoming Gentlemen: Women’s Experience at One Ivy League Law School. Boston: Beacon Press; Harding, S. 1990. Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Thinking from Women’s Lives. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press; Harris, A. 1990. Race and essentialism in feminist legal theory. Stanford Law Review, 42: 581–616; Jeffries, S. 2006. Are women human? Interview with Catharine MacKinnon. Guardian, April 12; Kay, H. H. 1985. Equality and difference: the case of pregnancy. Berkeley Women’s Law Journal, 1: 1–38; Littleton, C. A. 1987. Reconstructing sexual equality. California Law Review, 75: 1279–337; MacKinnon, C. A. 1987. Feminism Unmodified. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; MacKinnon 1989. Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; 1993. Only Words. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; MacKinnon 2005. Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University; McClain, L. C. 2001. Care as a public value: linking responsibility, resources, and republicanism. Chicago-Kent Law Review, 76: 1673–731; Rhode, D. L. 1990. Feminist critical theories. Stanford Law Review, 42: 617–38; Rosen, R. 2000. The World Split Open: How the Modern Women’s Movement Changed America. New York: Penguin; Ruddick, S. 1989. Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace. New York: Ballantine; Scales, A. M. 1986. The emergence of feminist jurisprudence: an essay. Yale Law Journal, 95: 1373–403; Scheppele, K. L. 2004. The reasonable woman. Pp. 456–460 in Philosophy of Law, 7th edn., ed. J. Feinberg and J. Coleman. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning; originally published 1991; Schneider, E. 1986. The dialectic of rights and politics: perespectives from the women’s movement. New York University Law Review, 61: 589–615; Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. 2000; Schulhofer, S. J. 1998. Unwanted Sex: The Culture of Intimidation and the Failure of Law. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; Smart, C. 1989. Feminism and the Power of Law. New York: Routledge; Smith, D. E. 1990. The Conceptual Practices of Power: A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge. Boston: Northeastern University Press; Strossen, N. 1995. Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women’s Rights. New York: Anchor; (p. 318) Tronto, J. C. Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care. New York: Routledge; Walker, L. 1984. The Battered Woman Syndrome. New York: Springer; Wechsler, H. 1961. Principles, Politics, and Fundamental Law. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. West, R. 1997; Caring for Justice. New York: New York University Press; Jurisprudence and gender. University of Chicago Law Review, 55: 1988: 1–72; Williams, J. 1992. Deconstructing gender. Pp. 41–98 in Feminist Jurisprudence: The Difference Debate, ed. L. F. Goldstein. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield; Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What To Do about It. New York: Oxford University Press 2000. Book is also important for Family Law, and Labour and Social Security Law; Williams, W. 1981. Firing the woman to protect the fetus: the reconciliation of fetal protection with equal opportunity goals under Title VII. Georgetown Law Journal, 69: 641–704; 1991 [1982]. The equality crisis: some reflections on culture, courts, and feminism. Pp. 15–34 in Feminist Legal Theory, ed. K. T. Bartlett and R. Kennedy. Boulder, Colo.: Westview; 1984–5. Equality’s riddle: pregnancy and equal treatment. New York University Review of Law and Social Change, 13: 325–80; Wishik, H. R. 1986. To question everything: the inquiries of feminist jurisprudence. Berkeley Women’s Law Journal, 1: 64–77; Dorota Gozdecka, Anne Macduff (eds.), Feminism, post feminism and legal theory: beyond the gendered subject? London Routledge, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-138-48834-2; Kanti Chakrabarti, Gender justice, Cambray & Co. Private Ltd., 2018; AAVV (Ed. Dagmar Schiek, Lisa Waddington, Mark Bell), Non-discrimination law (cases materials and text on national, supranational and international), Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregón, 2007. Crenshaw, K., “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: a Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antirracist Politics”, University of Chicago Legal Forum,Vol. n 1, art. 8, 1989. Lousada Arochena, J.F., El principio de transversalidad de la dimensión de género, MTAS, Madrid, 2008. Civil Law and Gender Equality Аlexander Weinland, Die neue Musterfeststellungsklage, Muenchen 2019, C.H.BECK. Verlag, ISBN 978-3-406-73408-3; Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law: Justice and Ethics in the Islamic Legal Tradition (Library of Islamic Law) , eds. Lena Larsen, Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Christian Moe, Kari Vogt, 2013; Empowering Women: Legal Rights and Economic Opportunities in Africa, Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Tazeen Hasan, 2012; Gender injustice : an international comparative analysis of equality in employment, Anne-Marie Mooney Cotter, London, England ; New York, New York : Routledge, 2016; Married Women and the Law in Premodern Northwest Europe, eds. Cordelia Beattie, Matthew Frank Stevens, 2013; Women and the Law of Property in Early America, Marylynn Salmon, 2016; Gender and Property Law in Pakistan: Resources and Discourses, Rubya Mehdi, 2001; Gender, Law and Economic Well-being in Europe from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century: North Versus South?, eds. Anna Bellavitis, Beatrice Zucca Micheletto, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018; Gender Perspectives on Property and Inheritance: A Global Sourcebook, Sarah Cummings, 2001; Understanding Women’s Land Rights: Gender Discrimination in Ownership, ed. Prem Chowdhry, 2017; Gender Discrimination in Land Ownership, ed. Prem Chowdhry, 2009; The hidden gender of law, Regina Graycar, Jenny Morgan, 2002; In The Eyes Of The Law: Women, Marriage, And Property In Nineteenth-Century New York, Norma Basch, 1982; Droit civil, Les obligations, François Terré; Philippe Simler; Yves Lequette; François Chénedé, Dalloz, 12e édition, 2018; Droit des obligations, Rémy Cabrillac, Dalloz, 13e édition, 2018; Droit des biens, Nadège Reboul-Maupin, 7e édition, 2018; Genre et droit, Ressources pédagogiques,Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez; Marc Pichard; Diane Roman, 1e édition, 2016; (naručeno doc. dr Katarina Dolović Bojić i doc. dr Snežana Dabić) Ce que le genre fait au droit, Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez; Mathias Möschel; Diane Roman, 1e édition, 2013.; Christian Nordholtz, Martin Mekat, Musterfeststellungklage, Baden Baden, 2019, Nomos Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8487-5255-3; Brian Anderson, Andrew Trask, Class Action Playbook¸ Mathew Bennder, 2019. Public Law and Gender Equality Kim Rubenstein, Katharine G. Young (eds.), The Public Law of Gender: From the Local to the Global, Cambridge University Press, 2016; Tom Ginsburg (ed.), Constitutions and Gender, Elgar 2017; Helen Irving (ed.), Constitutions and Gender, Edward Elgar, 2019, ISBN: 978 1 78471 697 4; Ruth Rubio-Marín, Helen Irving, (eds), Women as constitution-makers: case studies from the new democratic era, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 2019. – xii, 383 Seiten -ISBN: 978-1-108-49277-5 – ISBN: 978-1-108-73453-0 Barbara Havelková (ed.), Gender equality in law: uncovering the legacies of Czech State Socialism Oxford ISBN: 978-1-5099-0586-7; Shirin M. Rei ed., Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing the State, Manchester University Press 2003. https://oapen.org/search?identifier=341353; Susan H. Williams (ed.), Constituting Equality – Gender Equality and Comparative Constitutional Law, Indiana University, Bloomington; Anne Showstack Sassoon, Women and the State, Hutchinson Educ., 1987; Vicky Randall, Women and Politics: An International Perspective, University of Chicago Press, 1988. Feminist Economics/Gender Economics Mukesh Eswaran, Why Gender Matters in Economics, Princeton University Press, 2014; Maria Karamessini, Jill Rubery (eds.), Women and Austerity: The Economic Crisis and the Future for Gender Equality, Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics, Routledge, 2013; Kirsten Madden, A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought to 1940, Publisher: Routledge, Year: 2004 ISBN: 041523817X,9780415238175; Jim Campbell and Morag Gillespie, Feminist Economics and Public Policy, Routledge, 2016; Joyce Jacobsen, The Economics of Gender, Wiley-Blackwell, 2007; Alice H. Amsden (ed.), The Economics of Women at Work, Penguin, 1980; Gender Equality and Bussiness Law Birkner, Ettl, Welter, Ebbers (Eds), Women’s Entrepreneurship in Europe, Springer 2018. Candida G. Brush, Anne de Bruin, Elizabeth J. Gatewood, Colette Henry, (Eds) Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth: A Research Perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham – Northampton 2010. Fielden, M. Davidson, (Ed.) International Handbook of Women and Small Business Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005. Merdža Handalić, „The Position of Female Entrepreneurs in the European Union and Transition Countries“, Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education 1-2/2009. Maria Minniti, „Gender Issues in Entrepreneurship“, Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 7-8/2009 Neogi, Bhandari, Ghosh (Eds.) Women’s Enterpreneurship and Microfinance, Springer 2017. Gender Equitable Taxation Miranda Stewart, Tax, Social Policy and Gender: rethinking equality and efficiency, ANU Press, https://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=641516; Bridget J Crawford (ed.), Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Tax Opinions, Cambridge University Press, 2017, ISBN-10: 1316649598; ISBN-13: 978-1316649596; Challenging Inequality in Tax Policy Making: Comparative Perspectives, (eds. Kim Brooks, sa Gunnarsson, Lisa Philipps, Maria Wersig), Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, 2011. Gender Sensitive Family Law Susan Moller Okin, Justice, Gender, and the Family, 3rd Edition, Basic Books, 1991, ISBN-13: 978-0465037032; ISBN-10: 0465037038; Walter Weyrauch, Sandford Katz, et al., Cases and Materials on Family Law, Legal Concepts and Changing Human Relationships (American Casebook Series) Susan Moller Okin, Justice, Gender, and the Family, Basic Books, 1989; Kristine M. Baber (Author), Katherine R. Allen, Women and Families: Feminist Reconstructions, The Guilford Press, 1992 (The book is also relevant for Sociology of Law and Gender Equality); Rights, Gender and Family Law, (eds. Julie Wallbank, Shazia Choudhry and Jonathan Herring), Routledge, New York and London, 2010; Kenneth M. Cuno, Family, Gender, and Law in a Globalizing Middle East and South Asia, 2009, ISBN 978-0-8156-3235-1; Lisa Fishbayn Joffe, Sylvia Neil, Gender, Religion, and Family Law: Theorizing Conflicts, 2013, ISBN 978-1-61168-325-7; Richard Collier, Men, Law and Gender: Essays on the ‘Man’ of Law, 2010, ISBN978-1-904385-49-3; Julie Wallbank, Shazia Choudhry, Jonathan Herring, Rights, Gender and Family Law, 2009, ISBN 978-0-415-48267-7; Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Lena Larsen, Christian Moe, Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law: Justice and Ethics, 2013 ISBN 978-1-84885-922-7; Deborah L Rhode, Justice and Gender: Sex Discrimination and the Law, 2009, ISBN 0-674-49100-9; Tina Johnson, Gender and Human Rights in the Commonwealth: Some Critical …, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2004, ISBN 0-85092-808-7 Julie Wallbank, Shazia Choudhry, Jonathan Herring, Rights, Gender and Family Law, Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. 292 pp. Gender Sensitive Criminal Law Baer, Susanne (2000): Rechtswissenschaft. In: Braun, Christina Von and Stephan, Inge (Hg.), Gender Studies: Eine Einführung, Stuttgart S. 155-168; Gaby von Temme, Christine Künzel (2014): Hat Strafrecht ein Geschlecht? Zur Deutung und Bedeutung der Kategorie Geschlecht in strafrechtlichen Diskursen vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute, Transcript Verlag; Donald Nico and Lois Bibbings, Feminist Perspectives on Criminal Law, Cavendish Publishing Limited, 2000; Engle, Karen (2005): International Human Rights and Feminisms: When Discourses Keep Meeting. In: Buss, Doris (Hg.), International law: modern feminist approaches, Oxford u.a., S. 47-66; Franke, Kirsten (2000): Frauen und Kriminalität eine kritische Analyse kriminologischer und soziologischer Theorien, Konstanz; Kapur, Ratna (2007): ‘Faith’ and the ‘good’ liberal: The construction of female sexual subjectivity in anti-trafficking legal discourse. In: Munro, Vanessa E. and Stychin, Carl Franklin (Hg.), Sexuality and the law, Abingdon, Oxford, New York, S. 223-258; Weitzer, Ronald: The Social Construction of Sex Trafficking: Ideology and Institutionalization of a Moral Crusade. In: Politics & Society. 35. Jg. (2007), S. 447-475; Ulrika Andresson, Monika Edgren et al., Rape Narratives in Motion, Palgrave Macmillan 2019; Katrin Kappler, Vinzent Vogt, Gender im Völkerrecht – Konfliktlagen und Errungenschaften, Nomos 2019; Musa Usman Abubakar, Gender Justice in Islamic Law – homicide and bodily injuries, Hart 2018; Nathalie Amstutz, Helga Eberherr et al., Geschlecht als widersprüchliche Institution, Nomos 2018; Dana Britton et al., The Gender of Crime, Rowman & Littlefield 2018; Stoecker Ralf, Theorie und Praxis der Menschenwürde, 2019; Kadir Varol, Ehre – Ehrenmord – Blutrache, 2016; Erol Rudolf Pohlreich, „Ehrenmorde“ im Wandel des Strafrechts, 2009. Gender Sensitive Criminology Gavan Titley (ed.), Gender Matters – Manual on Gender based Violence Affecting Young People, Council of Europe, Budapest, 2007, http://www.eycb.coe.int/gendermatters/; B.C.Welsh, D.Farrington, The Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention, Oxford, 2014; Rashmi Dube Bhatnagar, Reena Dube, Female Infanticide In India: A Feminist Cultural History, 2005, ISBN: 0791463281,9780791463277; (This book can be of relevance for the section Gender Sensitive Family Law). H.D.Schwind, Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung mit Beispielen, 2016; B.C.Feld, D.M.Bishop, The Oxford Handbook of Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice, Oxford, 2013; M.H.Tonry, The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy, Oxford, 2009. International and EU Law and Gender Equality Dagmar Schiek, Victoria Chege (eds), European Union Non-Discrimination Law: Comparative Perspectives on Multidimensional Equality Law, Routledge-Cavendish, 2008, ISBN 9780415471152 (Book is also relevant for Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective); Ingrid Westendorp (ed.), The Women’s Convention Turned 30: Achievements, Setbacks, and Prospects, Intersentia, 2012 (The book is also relevant for Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective); Cecilia Bailliet, Feminist and Third World Approaches to International Law; Fulvia Staiano, The Human Rights of Migrant Women in International and European Law, Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2017, ISBN 9788892163126; Christine Chinkin, „Feminism, Approach to International Law“, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL], 2010. Catherine O’Rourke, „Feminist Strategy in International Law: Understanding Its Legal, Normative and Political Dimensions“, European Journal of International Law, Volume 28, Issue 4, November 2017, Pages 1019–1045. Misbah Sabohi, Saghir Maher, Shafiqul Hassan, „Feminist Perspective of International Law and its Effect on International Courts and Tribunals“, Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2019 Vol: 22 Issue: 1. Charlesworth, H., & Chinkin, C., The boundaries of international law: A feminist analysis, Manchester University Press, 2000. Cook, R.J., Human rights of women: National and international perspectives, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. Evatt, E., „Finding a voice for women’s rights: The early days of CEDAW“, The George Washington International Law Review, 34(1), 2002, 515-530. Ulrich, J.L., „Confronting gender-based violence with international instruments: Is a solution to the pandemic within reach?“ Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 22(1), 2000, 629-654. Hilary Charlesworth, Christine Chinkin and Shelley Wright, „Feminist Approaches to International Law“, American Journal of International Law, Volume 85, Issue 4, October 1991 , pp. 613-645. (available at jstor) Hilary Charlesworth, „Feminist Methods in International Law“, The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 93, No. 2 (Apr., 1999), pp. 379-394. Buss, Doris, and Ambreena Manji, eds. International Law: Modern Feminist Approaches. Oxford and Portland, OR: Hart, 2005. Charlesworth, Hilary, and Christine Chinkin. The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis. Melland Schill Studies in International Law. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2000. Dallmeyer, Dorinda G., ed. Reconceiving Reality: Women and International Law. Studies in Transnational Legal Policy No. 25. 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(downloaded) Emanuela Lombardo, „EU Gender Policy: Trapped in the ‘Wollstonecraft Dilemma’?“, The European Journal of Women’s Studies, Vol. 10(2): 159–180. (downloaded) Beveridge F. (2012) ‘Going Soft’? Analysing the Contribution of Soft and Hard Measures in EU Gender Law and Policy. In: Lombardo E., Forest M. (eds) The Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies. Gender and Politics Series. Palgrave Macmillan, London. JO SHAW, „THE EUROPEAN UNION AND GENDER MAINSTREAMING: CONSTITUTIONALLY EMBEDDED OR COMPREHENSIVELY MARGINALISED?“, Feminist Legal Studies 10: 213–226, 2002. (downloaded) Elaine Weiner, „Dirigism and Déjà Vu Logic: The Gender Politics and Perils of EU Enlargement“, European Journal of Women’s Studies, Vol. 16, 2009. Dagmar Schiek, Victoria Chege (eds), European Union Non-Discrimination Law: Comparative Perspectives on Multidimensional Equality Law, Routledge-Cavendish, 2008, ISBN 9780415471152. Jule Mulder, EU Non-Discrimination Law in the Courts. Approaches to Sex and Sexualities Discrimination in EU Law, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2017 ISBN: 9781509906239; Loveday Hodson, Troy Lavers, Feminist Judgments in International Law, Oxford, Hart, 2019, ISBN: 9781509914456; Gina Heathcote, Feminist dialogues on international law: successes, tensions, futures, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019, ISBN: 978-0-19-968510-3; Uladzislau Belavusau, Kristin Henrard (eds.), EU anti-discrimination law beyond gender, Oxford, Hart, 2019, 2019 ISBN: 978-1-5099-1501-9 (This book can be of relevance for the Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective section ); Orly Maya Stern, Gender, conflict and international humanitarian law: a critique of the ‘principle of distinction’, London: Routledge, 2019, 2019.ISBN: 978-1-138-30770-4; Irini Papanicolopulu (ed.), Gender and the law of the sea Leiden; Boston: Brill/Nijhoff, 2019, 2019 ISBN: 978-90-04-37516-1; Stephanie Farrior (ed.), Equality and non-discrimination under international law, New York : Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-4094-4070-3; Ginna Heathcote, Dianne Otto (eds.), Rethinking peacekeeping, gender equality and collective security, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014ISBN: 978-1-137-40020-8; Engle, Karen (2005): International Human Rights and Feminisms: When Discourses Keep Meeting. In: Buss, Doris (Hg.), International Law: Modern Feminist Approaches, Oxford u.a., S. 47-66. Gender Perspective of Labour and Social Security Law Tess Gill, Larry Whitty, Women’s Rights in the Workplace, Penguin Books Ltd, 1983; Philippe Auvergnon (dir.), Genre et droit social, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2008, ISBN : 978-2-86781-483-9; Jane McDermid, Midwives of the Revolution: Female Bolsheviks and Women Workers in 1917, 1999 ISBN: 1857286243,9781857286243 (This book can be of relevance for the section on Feminist Jurisprudence); Sabine Hering, Berteke Waaldijk (eds.), History of Social Work in Europe (1900–1960): Female Pioneers and their Influence on the Development of International Social Organizations, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Year: 2003 ISBN: 978-3-8100-3635-3,978-3-322-80895-0; Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization, (eds. Emma L. Jeanes, David Knights and Patricia Yancey Martin), Wiley, West Sussex, 2011; Philippe Auvergnon, Maryse Badel (dir.), Relations individuelles de travail et fait familial. Approches nationales et comparées autour de la Méditerranée, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2016, ISBN-13 : 979-1030000399; Jean-François Akandji-Kombé, Egalité et droit social, IRJS Editions, 2014, ISBN : 978-2-919211-31-9; Michel Miné, Droit des discriminations dans l’emploi et le travail, Larcier, 2016, ISBN : 978-2-39013-071-0; Marie Mercat-Bruns, Discriminations en droit du travail. Dialogue avec la doctrine américaine, Dalloz, 2013, ISBN : 978-2-247-12106-9; Christophe Falcoz, L’égalité femmes-hommes au travail: Perspectives pour une égalité réelle, Editions Management & Société – Ems, 2018, ISBN : 978-2-37687-088; Concilier famille et travail pour les hommes et les femmes: droit et pratiques, Emile Bruylant, 2005, ISBN : 978-2-8027-1956-4. Sociology of Law and Gender Equality Stephanie A. Shields, Speaking from the Heart: Gender and the Social Meaning of Emotions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002; Johanna Meehan, Feminist Read Habermas – Gendering the Subject of Discourse, Routledge, New York and Lond on, 1995; Susan B. Boyd – Reaction and resistance, Feminism, Law and Social Change, UBC Press, 2007; Vikki Bell, Interrogating Incest, Feminism, Foucault and the Law (Sociology of Law and Crime), 1993; (This Book is of relevance for the section on Gender Sensitive Criminal Law); Elizabeth Minchin, Homeric Voices – Discourse, Memory, Gender, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007; Eva Figes, Patriarchal Attitudes: Women in Society, Persea Books, 1987; Pamela Abbott, Rodger Sapsfort, Women and Social Class, Tavistock, London, 1987; Michèle Barrett, Mary McIntosh, The Anti-Social Family, Verso Books, 1982; Elizabeth Janeway, Man’s World Woman’s Place: A Study in Social Mithology, Delacorte Pr, 1972; Carole Pateman, The Sexual Contract, Polity Press, 1988; Carol Smart, Feminism and the Power of Law (Sociology of Law and Crime), Routledge, 1989, ISBN 0-415-03881-2; ISBN 0-415-02671-7, (The book is also important for Feminist Jurisprudence, Criminology and Sociology of Law); Risman, Barbara, Froyum, Carissa, Scarborough, William J. (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Gender; Natalie Persadie, A Critical Analysis of the Efficacy of Law as a Tool to Achieve Gender Equality, University Press оf America, Lanham-Boulder 2012; Alyssa Agostino,The Reasonable Woman Standard’s Creation of the Reasonable Man Standard: The Ethical and Practical Implications of the Two Standards and Why They Should Be Abandoned, The Journal of the Legal Profession 2/41, 2017; Timothy Macklem, Beyond Comparison: Sex and Discrimination, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003. (Book is also important for Human Rights); John Hagan, Fiona Kay, Gender In Practice – A Study Of Lawyers’ Lives, Oxford University Press, New York-Oxford 1995; Ann Stewart, Gender, Law and Justice in a Global Market, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011 (Book is also important for Public Policies and Gender Equality); Joshua Cohen, Matthew Howard, Martha C. Nussbaum (eds.), Is multiculturalism bad for women?, Princeton University Press, Princeton – New Jersey 1999; Rosa–Linda Fregoso, Cynthia Bejarano (eds.), Terrorizing women: Feminicide in the Americas, Duke University Press, Durham – London 2009(The book is also important for Criminology); Carol Smart, Feminism and the power of law, Routledge, London – New York 2002; Carol Smart, Law, Crime and Sexuality – Essays in Feminism, SAGE Publications, 1995. (The book is also important for Criminology); Carol Smart, The woman of legal discourse, Social & Legal Studies, 29(1)/1992; Sally J. Kenney, Gender & Justice – Why Women in the Judiciary Really Matter, Routledge, New York – London 2012; Erika Rackley, Women, Judging and the Judiciary: From Difference to Diversity, Routledge, Milton Park – Abingdon – Oxon, 2013. (Book is also important for Feminist Judgements); Mary Jane Mossman, The first women lawyers – a Comparative Study of Gender, Law and the Legal Profession, Hart Publishing, Oxford – Portland – Oregon 2006; Mary Evans, Carolyn H. Williams (eds.), Gender – The Key Concepts, Routledge, London – New York 2012; Joan Brockman, Gender in the Legal Profession – Fitting or Breaking the Mould, UBC Press, Vancouver – Toronto 2001; Gail Dines, Jean M. Humez (eds.), Gender, Race and Class in Media, SAGE Publications, 2014; Rosemary Crompton, Michael Mann (eds.), Gender and Stratification, Polity Press, 1994; Janet Saltzman Chafetz, Gender Equity – An Integrated Theory of Stability and Change, Sage Library of Social Research 176. Feminist Judgments Rosemary Hunter, Clare McGlynn, Erika Rackley (eds), Feminist Judgments: From Theory to Practice, Hart Publishing, 2010; Kathrym M. Stanchi, Linda L. Berger, Bridget J. Crawford (eds.), Feminist Judgments – Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court, Cambridge University Press, 2016; Bridget J. Crawford Anthony C. Infanti (eds.), Feminist Judments – Rewritten Tax Opinions, Cambridge University Press, 2017; Mairead Enright, Julie McCandless, Aoife O’Donoghue, (eds.), Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments – judges’ troubles and the gendered politics of identity, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, 2017; Heather Douglas, Francesca Bartlett, Trish Luker, Rosemary Hunter (eds.), Australian Feminist Judgments, Righting and Rewriting Law, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, 2014; Bridget J Crawford (ed.), Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Tax Opinions, Cambridge University Press, 2017, ISBN-10: 1316649598; ISBN-13: 978-1316649596; Kathy Mack, Sharyn Roach Anleu, Entering the Australian Judiciary: Gender and Court Hierarchy, Law & Policy 34/2012; Sarah Igbal, Asif Mohammed Islam, Rita Ramalho, Sakhonchik Alena, Unequal before the Law – Measuring Legal Gender Disparities across the World, Policy Research Working Paper 7803, 2016; Ivana Bacik, Cathryn Costello, Eileen Drew, Gender Injustice – Feminizing the Legal Professions, Trinity College Dublin Law School, Dublin 2003; Martha Minow, Making all the difference – Inclusion, exclusion, and American law, Cornell University Press, Ithaca – London 1990. Public Policies on Gender Equality Gillian Pascall, Social Policy: A New Feminist Analysis, Routledge, 1996 (The book is also important for Labour and Social Security Law); Handbook of Public Policy Analysis, (eds. Frank Fischer, Gerald J. Miller and Mara S. Sidney), CRC Press, Boca Raton-London-New York, 2007; Comparative Public Administration: The Essential Readings, (eds. Eric. E. Otenyo and Nancy S. Lind), Elsevier JAI Press, Oxford-Amsterdam-San Diego, 2006; Encyclopedia of Government and Politics, (eds. Mary Hawkesworth and Maurice Kogan), Routledge, London and New York, 1992; Eugene Bardach, A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving, SAGE and CQ Press, Los Angeles-London, New Delhi, Singapore-Washington DC, 2012; Thomas R. Dye, Understanding Public Policy, Pearson, New York, 2005; Jennifer Marchbank, Women, Power and Policy: Comparative studies of childcare, Routledge, London-New York, 2000; Carol Lee Bacchi, Analysing Policy: What’s the problem represented to be?, Pearson, Frenchs Forest NSW, 2009; Carol Lee Bacchi, Women Policy and Politics, SAGE Publications, London-Thousand Oaks/New Delhi, 1999; The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy (eds. Michael Morgan, Martin Rein and Robert E. Goodin), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006; Tony Schofield, Gender Politics and Public Policy Making: Prospects for Advancing Gender Equality“, Policy and Society 1/2005, pp. 1-20; Mary Hawkesworth, Policy studies within a feminist frame, Policy Sciences 27/1994, pp. 97-118; Emanuela Lombardo, Petra Meier and Mieke Verloo, Policymaking and Gender, FREIA Working Paper Series 81/2012, pp. 2-33; Rebecca Sutton, The Policy Process: An Overview, Overseas Development Institute, London, 1999; Season Hoard, Gender Expertise in Public Policy: Towards a Theory of Policy Success, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015; Amy G. Mazur, Theorizing Feminist Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002; Amy G. Mazur, Feminist comparative policy“, European Journal of Political Research 35/1999, pp. 483-506; Amy G. Mazur, Comparative gender and policy projects in Europe: Current trends in theory, method and research“, Comparative European Politics 7/2009, pp. 12/36; Amy G. Mazur and Marc Pollack, Gender and Public Policy in Europe: An introduction“, Comparative European Politics 7/2009, pp. 1-11.; Jill Rubery (ed.), Women and Recession, Routledge, 2012 (The book is also important for Feminist Economics, and Labour and Social Security Law); Elizabeth Wilson, Women and the Welfare State, Routledge, 1991 (The book is also important for Feminist Economics, and Labour and Social Security Law); Carolyn Teich Adams, Kathryn Teich Winston, Mothers at Work: Public Policies in the United States, Sweden, and China, Longman, 1980 (The book is also relevant for Gender Perspective of Labour and Social Security Law); Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, Princeton University Press, 1990; Caroline Glendinning, Jane Millar (eds.), Women and Poverty in Britain, Wheatsheaf Books, 1987; Tony Cole, Whose Welfare?, Routledge, 1991 (The book is also important for Labour and Social Security Law).
Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History
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