The Leading Organisation for CURRICULUM building is the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law
- Agenda of Online Plenary Discussions on Syllabi (30 October and 6 November 2020)
- Video of the first part of online plenary discussions on syllabi (Friday, 30 October 2020, from 09:30 to 14:15)
Password: Sf-5300c
- Video of the second part of online plenary discussions on syllabi (Friday, 6 Novembder 2020, from 09:30 to 14:00)
Password: bPNQcej6
Curriculum for LAW AND GENDER final version
The main intellectual output – development of a Curriculum for the Law and Gender master`s programme, with all syllabi, will be conducted during the first year (from the end of 2019 to the end of 2020 – 13 months), after which all Consortium members will apply for accreditation (except Saarland University, which will be involved in creating only four syllabi, and will take responsibility for another important intellectual output – the publication of the textbook). Professors from different universities will work together on creating each particular syllabus. That will be the real team work, paired with innovative ideas and outcomes. The master study programme LAW and GENDER will develop innovative outputs, such as the fully innovative curricula and syllabi. The added value will be found in team building based on the openness of all professors to new ideas, to discussing disagreements and different understandings, to brain storming and reconsideration of the existing value systems , and especially their openness to changing the traditional frames of their legal knowledge in general, and in the particular field of teaching and research.
Gender mainstreaming of legal education requires reconsidering study programmes of all law faculties, including the syllabi and textbooks for individual courses, from the gender-sensitive perspective (regarding both content and language) . Development of the Law and Gender master`s programme is aimed directly towards reconstructing the traditional legal education both in positive law disciplines and those disciplines which are usually seen as more multi-disciplinary. The added value of this undertaking also lies in counteracting the fact that, as professor Susanne Baer says (the text uploaded), the field of law and legal studies is highly canonised, and that this accounts for the stability of the curriculum, but also leads to a kind of structural conservatism. She also remarks that the law stays rather steady, while other academic fields have a faster changing flow. This master`s programme will by all means speed up the changes in the curriculum of legal studies and regarding the mentioned structural conservatism.
This master’s programme will be the first systemic all-encompassing program of legal studies structured in a gender sensitive way. Inclusion of a gender perspective into the legal higher education will essentially contribute to reviewing the traditional educational and pedagogical approach to legal studies, generally speaking. It will considerably influence the personal value systems of professors who have been producing and transferring the legal knowledge to students. The shared responsibilities and joint efforts of all professors who will participate in this innovative gender sensitive master’s programme will lead to a higher quality of the knowledge produced, along with its transfer through lectures, textbooks, discourse and value systems, an improved pedagogic approach, and an increase in quality of the whole legal higher education as such.
The study program shall consist of four mandatory courses on law and gender, plus one mandatory course on Methodology and Practical skills and the mandatory Legal Clinic, and a list of optional courses, from which each student chooses four courses.
The study program shall contain four common mandatory courses, called: 1) Feminist Legal and Political Theories, 2) Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective, 3) International and EU Law and Gender Equality and 4) Feminist Judgements.
The course Methodology and Practical Skills, consisting of Gender equality glossaries analysis, research methodology, English legal terminology, and Internet skills, is also mandatory. For all students will be also mandatory to attend the Legal Clinic called Gender Equality Legal Clinic.
In the first semester the above mentioned five mandatory courses shall be attended by all students of the study program LAW AND GENDER.
In the second semester the student shall opt for four courses from the list of given courses.
Student shall be obliged to write and defend the master`s thesis at the end of the study program.
1. Semester
Mandatory courses at LAW AND GENDER:
- Methodology and Practical Skills 4 ECTS
- Feminist Political and Legal Theories 6 ECTS
- Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective 6 ECTS
- International and European Law and Gender Equality 6 ECTS
- Feminist Judgements 8 ECTS
2. Semester
List of optional courses at LAW AND GENDER, from which students opt for four courses (4×3 ECTS=12 ECTS):
- Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History 3 ECTS
- Private Law and Gender Equality 3 ECTS
- Public Law and Gender Equality 3 ECTS
- Feminist Economics/Gender Economics 3 ECTS
- Gender Equality and Business Law 3 ECTS
- Gender Equitable Taxation 3 ECTS
- Gender Sensitive Family Law 3 ECTS
- Gender Sensitive Criminal Law 3 ECTS
- Gender Sensitive Criminology 3 ECTS
- Gender Perspective of Labor Law 3 ECTS
- Gender Perspectives of Social Security Law 3 ECTS
- Sociology of Law and Gender Equality 3 ECTS
- Public Policies on Gender Equality 3 ECTS
Mandatory Legal Clinic – Gender Equality Legal Clinic 3 ECTS
Master thesis: 15 ECTS
Creators of the Curriculum will also decide on the Law and Gender Rule book, the master thesis writing guidelines, and will discuss, in addition, the final developmental step – the accreditation.