Mª Isabel RIBES MORENO: (f) PhD, is an Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Dean of School of Labour Sciences (Algeciras Campus) in University of Cadiz, in Spain. Member of the INDESS (University Institute of Research for Social Sustainable Development) at University of Cádiz. Isabel holds a Degree in Law and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Seville (2011); the main focus of her research is equality and non-discrimination issues in different contexts, such as maritime employment and the European Court of Justice Rulings with the applied labour law as the academic base. She has written, by herself and with others, many papers and book chapters, reports and conference presentations within her research area. In her tenure she organizes many activities related to gender perspective. Some relevant publications:

  • “El derecho a la pensión de viudedad en el contexto de la violencia de género, por María José Cervilla Garzón: Una reseña”, Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo, ISSN-e 2282-2313, Vol. 5, Nº. 2, 2017, pp. 305-307.
  •  “Marina mercante, derechos de conciliación y negociación colectiva, ¿es posible conciliar a bordo de un buque?”, Temas laborales: Revista andaluza de trabajo y bienestar social, ISSN 0213-0750, Nº 132, 2016, págs. 123-152.
  • “La no discriminación por razón de género en la doctrina del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea”, Tutela y promoción de la plena integración de la mujer en el trabajo. Libro homenaje a la profesora Teresa Pérez del Río, CARL, 2015, pp 361-388 (with Guerrero Padrón).
  •  “Medidas laborales para la equiparación de la mujer en el trabajo. La situación de las trabajadoras migrantes”, en J.J. Fernández Alles y J. Benamar (dir.), Estudios sobre gobierno y desarrollo en el contexto del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Editorial Ifzarne, Impression & editions, 2011, ISBN: 978-9954-1-1294-6, pp. 313-355.

Antonio ÁLVAREZ DEL CUVILLO: (m) PhD, Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, University of Cadiz, Spain. He holds a dual undergraduate degree in Law and Social Anthropology. Author of numerous papers regarding discrimination Law and gender issues. Academic Dean of School of Labour Sciencies. He is a member of the Comission of Equality of the Spanish Labour Law Association. Member of different Researching projects related to gender issues (P0-SEJ-2342 de la Junta de Andalucía, “Family law and immigrant integration” and CP06 “La discriminación en el empleo de políticas públicas de lucha contra la discriminación y políticas internas de diversidad en la empresa” (2007)) He has participated as researcher in the Project DIDO AD EQUAL JEREZ, (Code: 200ES050PC001; National Code: ES-2000-36). Some relevant publications:

  • “Regulación del uso del velo islámico en el trabajo”, Trabajo y Derecho, Extra, n.º 7, 2018 (32 pages).
  •  “Las estrategias probatorias de las partes y la tutela de la discriminación por razón de género”, in Tutela y promoción de la mujer en el trabajo, CARL, Sevilla, 2015, pp. 285-313.
  • “Segmentación de género en el mercado de trabajo y negociación colectiva”, en AAVV (Coord. Cruz Villalón, J.) El impacto de la negociación colectiva sobre la segmentación laboral: causas determinantes y elementos de contención, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2015, pp. 443-490.
  • “Aspecto del trabajador y prohibición de discriminación”, en Trabajo y Derecho: Nueva Revista de Relaciones Laborales (continuación de Actualidad Laboral y Relaciones Laborales: Revista Crítica de Teoría y Práctica), nº 2, 2015, pp. 57-80.
  • “El género como categoría y las categorías de género”, Revista de Derecho Social, nº 52, 2010, pp. 79-112.
  • “Elementos para una valoración técnico-jurídica de las medidas de acción positiva”, Revista de Relaciones Laborales, nº 11 (junio), 2010. pp. 659-692.
  •  “Las medidas de igualdad en las pequeñas y medianas empresas”, en La ley de igualdad: consecuencias prácticas en las relaciones laborales y en la empresa, Editorial Lex-Nova, Valladolid, 2007, pp. 129-158.
  •  “Nuevas reflexiones sobre la noción de discriminación y la eficacia de la tutela antidiscriminatoria”, (with Alvarez Alonso), Revista Española de Derecho del Trabajo, nº 132, 2006, pp. 997-1046.
  •  Igualdad y no discriminación por razón de género: la norma jurídica y su aplicación en Jerez de la Frontera (with others), AA.VV., Mergablum, Sevilla, 2004.
  •  “Igualdad y no discriminación”, (with others), Veinte años de jurisprudencia laboral y social del Tribunal Constitucional: XIX Jornadas Universitarias Andaluzas de Derecho del Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales” (Rodríguez Sañudo, F.; Elorza Guerrero, coord.) Tecnos. Madrid 2001. ISBN 84-309-3745-5. pp.  263-327.

Thais GUERRERO PADRÓN (f) Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, University of Cadiz, Spain. Author of numerous papers, she holds a Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1989) and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cádiz (2000). She has over 20 years’ work experience on gender equality research, and her thesis was about “Gender discrimination in Spanish Social Security. Regulatory Issues. Directive 79/7/CEE analysis”. She is now Vice Dean at the Faculty of Labour Sciences of the University of Cádiz. She is a professor at the Master of Gender programme in UCA.  She has participated as researcher in the Project DIDO AD EQUAL JEREZ, (Code: 200ES050PC001; National Code: ES-2000-36), main Researcher: Professor Pérez del Rio, T., funding:  European Social Fund. European Commission, which conducts a study about the collective bargaining agreements in Jerez related to a Gender perspective. She was a member of the Research group working on “The principle of equality and non-discrimination in employment” SEJ-501 since January 2009, and has publications and research focused on gender. Some relevant publications:

  •  “Igualdad y no discriminación”, AA.VV., Veinte años de Jurisprudencia laboral y social del Tribunal Constitucional, Tecnos, Madrid, 2001, pp. 263-367.
  •  “Directivas comunitarias sobre el principio de igualdad de trato entre hombres y mujeres y Seguridad Social”, Revista de Trabajo y Bienestar Social, Temas Laborales, nº 68/2003, pp. 59-73.
  •  “Discriminación indirecta por razón de sexo y cálculo de pensión de funcionarios a tiempo parcial. Comentario a la sentencia del TJCE de 23 de octubre de 2003”, Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, nº 617, 2004, pp 1-5.
  •  “Derecho fundamental a la no discriminación por razón de sexo y su proyección en la protección social”, La Constitución Europea y las relaciones laborales, Mergablum, Sevilla, 2004, pp. 233-246
  •  Igualdad y no discriminación por razón de género: la norma jurídica y su aplicación en Jerez de la Frontera, AA.VV., Mergablum, Sevilla, 2004.
  • “Justificación de la discriminación indirecta por razón de sexo en la Seguridad Social. Doctrina del TJCE”, La igualdad ante la Ley y la no discriminación en las relaciones laborales, XV Congreso Nacional de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, col. Informes y estudios Relaciones Laborales, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Madrid, 2004, pp. 517-536.

Vanesa HERVIAS PAREJO: (f) PhD, Assistant professor of Sociology at the University of Cádiz. She holds two degrees, in Sociology and Politics from the University of Granada and Limerick University (Ireland), and in Social Work from UNED. Currently she is the Dean of School of Labour Sciences (Jerez Campus) at the University of Cadiz. She collaborates with NGOs and Public institutions, such as the Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer (IAM) Granada; Instituto Canario de la Mujer, Tenerife; and Centro de Acogida de Inmigrantes (CEAIM) Cádiz. Her research is focused on gender, migrations, social integration, and non-discrimination. Some relevant publications:

  •  (2018). “El consumo de sexo: tendencias y vulnerabilidades asociadas al género en Andalucía, España”. Revista Prisma Social (publishing pending).
  •  (2018). “Las Organizaciones Familiares para el Desarrollo Social y de Género”. Revista Brasileira de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento. 4, 550-569.
  •  (2014). “Políticas migratorias y dificultades de género en los reagrupamientos familiares”. Revista Investigaciones Feministas. 5, 390- 415.
  • (2014). “Restablecimiento de familias sociables desde el Trabajo Social y las nuevas masculinidades””. Sección Abierta dedicada al Trabajo Social. Narraciones de masculinidad(es)”. Revista Prisma Social. 13, 652-704.
  • (2014). “Inconvenientes de género en los reagrupamientos familiares hacia España: propuestas desde el Trabajo Social”. Revista OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. 9 (2), 267-301.
  • (2012). “La Reagrupación Familiar como reflejo del conflicto de género. Propuestas desde la Mediación y el Trabajo Social”. Revista Debate Público. Reflexión de Trabajo Social. Carrera de trabajo Social. Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA. 4, 186-196.
  • (2012). “Social Work and migrant minors´ problems in Spain”. Proceedings in Advanced Research in Scientific Areas. ARSA. 3, 834- 838.

Mª Angustias BENITO BENÍTEZ: (f) Assistant Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, University of Cadiz, Spain. She holds a degree in Law and a degree in Administration and Finance from the University of Cádiz (2011). She has a Master´s Degree in Gender, Identity and Citizenship, 2012. Author of numerous papers and research on gender equality, and her PhD in Social Science and Law concerned the analysis of the Spanish social security system from the gender perspective (“Análisis del Sistema Español de Seguridad Social en óptica de género”), University of Cádiz (Spain), 2017. She is a member of the Equality Commission for Women and Men at the University of Cádiz. Some relevant publications:

  • “El principio de igualdad de género versus el principio de contributividad en la protección por desempleo: una colisión inevitable en el trabajo a tiempo parcial”, Revista de Derecho de la Seguridad Social, núm. 15, 2018, pp. 161-181.
  • “La respuesta a la sostenibilidad del sistema español de Seguridad Social en clave de género”, Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo, vol.4, núm. 1, 2016, pp. 124-151. ISSN 2282-2313.
  • “El derecho fundamental a la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres. Fundamentos del derecho a la igualdad de género y, en especial, su aplicación en el Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. J.F Lousada Arochena. Una reseña”, Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo, vol. 3, núm. 3, julio/septiembre de 2015, pp. 307- 314. ISSN 2282-2313.
  • “La difícil cobertura de la conciliación de responsabilidades en el Derecho Europeo de la Seguridad Social”, Protección a la familia y Seguridad Social. Hacia un nuevo modelo de protección socio laboral. Ediciones Laborum, Tomo I, 2018, pp. 509-523.ISBN: 978-84- 949189-2-6.
  • “La tutela de la jurisprudencia comunitaria ante la feminización del riesgo de pobreza derivada de la Seguridad Social”, Estudios sobre los diversos aspectos jurídicos del trabajo de la mujer, Moya Amador, R., (directora), Serrano Falcón, C. (coord), Thomson Reuters, Aranzadi, 2016.ISBN: 978-84-9099-736-9
  • “Working time flexibility as a mechanism of reconciliation: the reduction, determination and adjustment of the working day” Work-Life Balance and the Economic Crisis. Some Insights from the perspective of comparative law (volumen I: the Spanish Scenario), Mella Méndez, Lourdes, y Serrani, Lavinia, Adapt Labor Studies Book-Series), 2015, pp. 116-130. ISBN (10): 1-4438-8115-5ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-8115-9.

Fuensanta RABADÁN SÁNCHEZ-LAFUENTE: (f) PhD, Associate Professor of Civil Law at the Law School of University of Cádiz. In her research she focuses on privacy issues, mostly those related to women. It is a topical issue, in which women and girls are frequently involved as victims or can even commit violence against other women. Additionally, she studies the problems presented by the regulation of the rights to Honour, Privacy and Personal Image of the minor, focusing on the performance of the Public Prosecutor in real cases regarding the media coverage, and the problems which arise when television programmes do not respect a girl’s privacy. She is a researcher in a Project of Excellency of Junta de Andalucía “Honour, privacy, self-image and equality, in particular, of children and women in social media”.

Some relevant publications:

  • “The Right to Privacy in case of not allowed distribution of images provided by the owner, with regard to the case Hormigos”. Actualidad Civil, (9), 2014, pp. 894-903.
  • “Guarantee of the right to Honor, Privacy and Personal Image of the minor mature enough: between respect of their decisions and the intervention of Prosecution Service”. Foro, Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 18 (2), 2015, pp. 185-211.
  • “The consent of the legal representatives to the illegal interference in minors’ rights”, in H. Mota y R. Guimares (cords.) Autonomy and heteronomy in Family Law and the Law of succession, Coimbra (Portugal), 2016, pp. 89-101.

Carmen JOVER RAMÍREZ: (f) PhD, Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, University of Cadiz, Spain. She holds a Degree in Law from the University of Córdoba, Spain, and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cádiz (2004).  Researcher on different projects, such as “Labour relations in micro-enterprises”; the “Analysis of legal-labour regulation of psychosocial risks”; “The principle of equality and non-discrimination in employment”; “Jurisprudence and Doctrine: Incidence of the Spanish doctrine in the resolutions of civil, penal and systems”; “Re-addressing employment to self-employment: precariousness of working conditions and emergence of the entrepreneurship”. She has participated in the implementation of a transversal subject related to gender in some undergraduate and Master programmes at the University of Cádiz. Now, she is teaching this subject within the Labour Relations and Human Resources course, and the Social Work course.

Her scientific activity has been focused on gender, especially on the “work-life balance”.

She has many publications on this subject in national and international journals. Among others:
“Labour aspects of the Act on Integrated Protection Measures against Gender Violence”, in Women, Violence and Law, Andalusian Institute for Women, Counseling for equality and social welfare, Publications Service of the UCA, 2006; “Risk during pregnancy and active legitimation of the union” – Commentary on the Sentence of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra (STSJ Navarra), November 15th, 2010’. Aranzadi Social, No. 6, 2011; “The conciliation and co-responsibility in the care of the elderly in the labor legal system”, in Work-life balance and co-responsibility between both sexes, Coord. Cabeza Pereiro, J and Fernández Docampo, B, Tirant monografías, 747, Valencia, 2011; “The difficult survival of the reconciliation between work and family life in times of crisis and reform”, Aranzadi Social, nº 4/2013; The fixing of annual paid holiday of the worker in response to the reconcilation of family and labour life, in the Spanish legal system, Lourdes Mella Méndez (dir.), Delta ediciones, España, México, Argentina y Colombia, 2015, ISBN 978-84-16383-11-5; The fixing of annual paid holiday of the worker in response to the reconcilation of family and labour life, in the Spanish legal system in “Work-Life Balance and the Economic Crisis: Some Insights from the Perspective of Comparative Law (Volume II: The International Scenario)”, ADAPT Labour Studies Book-series, y Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-8079-4; “Current issues on the scope of the right to non-biological versus biological maternity Benefit”, in Tutela y promoción de la plena integración de la mujer en el trabajo, Monografías temas Laborales, nº 55, CARL, 2015; “Teleworking and occupational contingencies, Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo, Volumen 3, núm. 4, octubre-diciembre de 2015, Adapt, University Press; “Work-life balance in the UK: a comparative study to Spanish system”, Journal Work and Law, Nº 38, 2018; “The reduction of working hours for care of under-age child with  cancer or other serious illness: a jurisprudential analysis”, in Protection of the Family and Social Security. Towards a new model of Socio-labour Protection, Vol. 2, 2018; “The domestic services in the family home through virtual platforms: a break to the law?” in Work in digital platforms. Innovation, Law and market. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. 2018. She has given presentations in conferences on the work-life balance: Lezione nell’ámbito Della Scuola di Dottorato in Istituzioni e Mercali. Diritti e tutele – indirizzo Diritto del Lavoro sul tema Direttiva UE 2010/188 sul congedo parentale: passato, presente e futuro. University of Bologna. Italy. May 2011;  Seminar “Work-life balance: state of the question in Spain and Italy.” Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza of the University of Siena (Italy), September 2014. In 2016 and 2017, she had a research stay at the Hull University (UK) where she studied the work-life balance in the UK. Platforms: Innovation, Law and market. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. 2018. pp.527-541

Mª José CERVILLA GARZÓN: (f) PhD, Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, University of Cadiz, Spain. Author of numerous papers, she holds a Degree in Law and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cádiz (2004).  Expert in Human Resources Management and Business Organization, University of Seville, and Master in Industrial Relations and Labour Law. Researcher on differents projects, such as the “Labour relations in micro-enterprises”, the “Analysis of legal-labour regulation of psychosocial risks”. FIPROS 93/2006. Committee for the Promotion of Social Protection Research, Ministry of labour and social affairs, from December 2006 to February 2008, and “The principle of equality and non-discrimination in employment” SEJ-501, since January 2009. Responsible: Teresa Pérez del Río, Professor of Labour Law and Social Security of the University of Cádiz. She has given lectures at international congresses related to gender issues, such as “Crisis of couple, gender violence and right to the widow’s pension”; “Unregulated effects of gender violence on the right to benefits for disability”; “Protection of the family and Social Security. Towards a new model of socio-labor protection”, “Protection of the family, Social Security and independent non-dependent employment: promotion or disincentive in the context of Law 6/2017” (October 25 and 26, 2018); and “The accreditation of gender-based violence for the purposes of the right to a widow’s pension for victims without the right to a compensatory pension: recent criteria of the Supreme Court in the way of flexibility”, (Santiago de Compostela, November 27 and 28, 2018).

Some relevant publications:

  • New Spanish Journal of Labor Law Magazine (I.S.S.N: 0212-6095), num. 165, 2014. “On the Abolition of Domestic Slavery”. Págs.247 to 263.
  • New Spanish Journal of Labor Law Magazine (I.S.S.N: 0212-6095), núm. 188, 2016. “The progress towards recognition of the right to maternity and other social rights in the event of gestation by substitution”. Págs. 179 to 200.
  • Aranzadi Doctrinal Magazine (I.S.S.N: 1889-4380), núm. 4, 2017. “Surrogated pregnancy and right to maternity benefit. Regarding the Supreme Court Judgment of October 19, 2016”.
  • Social Digital Bulletin “Association of Judges and Magistrates Francisco de Vitoria”, no. 15, May 2017. “Proof of gender violence and gender dimension in the recognition of victims of the right to a widow’s pension”. Págs. 9 to 12.
  •  Journal of Transnational Law Notebooks (I.S.S.N: 989-4570), volume 11, no. 1, 2019. “Islamic identity and public order: the effects of polygamous marriage in the Spanish Social Security system”. Págs. 233 to 264.
  • Woman, violence and law (Coord. Francisca Fuentes and Dolores Cervilla). Title of the chapter: “Labour aspects of the Law of Integral Protection Measures against Gender Violence”. Several authors: Mª José Cervilla Garzón and Carmen Jover Ramírez. Publications Service of the University of Cádiz. Cádiz, 2006. I.S.B.N: 84-9828-057-5
  • Cervilla Garzón and Jover Ramírez. Guardianship and promotion of the full integration of women in the workplace. Title of the chapter: “Current issues about the scope of the right to maternity benefit in the cases of non-biological versus biological maternity”. Andalusian Labour Relations Council. I.S.B.N: 978-84-608-3865-4, Sevilla 2015. Págs. 339 to 360.
  •  Reconciliation of family and work life and economic crisis: studies from international and comparative law (Dir. Lourdes Mella Méndez). Title of the chapter: “The promotion of the reconciliation of family and work life through partial teleworking, option or obligation”. Editorial Delta, Madrid 2015. I.S.B.N: 978-84-16383-11-5. Págs. 521 to 538.
  •  “The right to a widow’s pension in the context of gender violence”, Basic Social Law collection, Bomarzo, Albacete 2017. I.S.B.N: 978-84-16608-71-3. 110 pages.

Jesús VERDÚ BAEZA: (m) Professor of Public International Law and European Law. Member of the Spanish Association of Professors of International law and International Relations and member of the INDESS (University Institute of Research for Social Sustainable Development) at University of Cádiz. He holds a Degree in Law from the University of Seville and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cadiz. He researches human rights in different contexts. He has written many papers and book chapters, reports and conference presentations within his research area. He is a member of the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet of the European Commission ‘Migration and Human Rights in Europe’s External Borders’

Lydia BARES LÓPEZ (f)  is a lecturer at the Department of General Economics at the University of Cadiz. She has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. She has two engineering and one pharmaceutical patent. She was awarded by Fundación Campus Tecnológico de Algeciras with the First Prize in 2018 for the best entrepreneurial idea, and by Fundación Alberto Elzaburu in 2016 for the 3rd Innovation Award. In 2019, she has presented papers in two international congresses held in Bol (Croatia) and Lyon (France), with the respective titles: “Women’s participation in patenting: evidence from Ibero-American countries” and “The gender patenting gap: a comparison between Brazil and Spain”. She is the founder and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Laboratories ABBAP Pharma, a pharmaceutical company whose aim is to commercialize the patented product in the Spanish pharmacy system, and internationally.

Manuela ORTEGA GIL (f) is a PhD Lecturer at the Department of General Economics at the University of Cadiz. Member of the Globalisation and Territorial Dynamics Research Group, the Research Institute for Sustainable Social Development (INDESS), and the Iberoamerican Group of Multidisciplinary Studies on Happiness (IGOMSOH). Her research fields are development, public policies, citizens’ wellbeing and networks. Currently, one of her lines of research is oriented towards the relationship between life satisfaction, education and gender. This year she was a visiting scholar at the International Center for Public Policy within the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies of the Georgia State University. In addition, she teaches, among other subjects, Gender Equality, Theory and Economic Policy and Labor Policies at the University of Cadiz.

Mª Amalia BLANDINO GARRIDO (f), PhD, is an associate Professor of Civil Law at the University of Cadiz, Spain. Member of the INDESS (University Institute of Research for Social Sustainable Development) at the University of Cádiz. She holds a Degree in Law and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cadiz. She is a member of the Research group “Hombre, libertad, derecho, familia y propiedad” (SEJ-327) since 1999. In her research she explores issues related to family law and succession law. Some of her relevant publications are: “Actos dispositivos sobre la vivienda familiar ganancial en las situaciones de crisis matrimonial”, en La situación jurídica de la mujer en los supuestos de crisis matrimonial (Cervilla Garzón, Mª D., coord.), Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, 1997, pp. 199-213; Álvarez Alarcón, A., Blandino Garrido, Mª A. y Sánchez Martín, P., Las crisis matrimoniales: Nulidad, Separación y Divorcio, ed. Tirant lo Blanch, 2010; “La reconciliación conyugal: reflexiones tras la reforma operada por la ley 15/2015, de 2 de julio, de la jurisdicción voluntaria”, Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, 3 ter, 2015, pp. 32-51; “La atribución del uso de la vivienda familiar en caso de ruptura de la unión de hecho”, en Autonomia e heteronomia no Direito da Família e no Direito das Sucessões, 2016, Oporto (Portugal), pp. 653-671; “Las condiciones testamentarias relativas al matrimonio”, en Ordenación Económica del Matrimonio y de la Crisis de Pareja, ed. Tirant lo Blanch, 2018, pp. 105-124; “Libertad de testar y condiciones testamentarias”, en La libertad de testar y sus límites, ed. Marcial Pons, 2018, pp. 267-306.

Teresa GÓMEZ PRIETO (f) Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Cádiz. She was awarded the First International Premium in Spanish Association of Maritime Law (AEDM). Her research activity has been focused on Maritime Transport, but also on Company Law. She has published a monograph, many papers in scientific journals, and chapters in books. She is a researcher in some Research Projects funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, National Plan I+D+I .

Juan Luis PULIDO BEGINES (m) is a Full Professor of Maritime and Commercial Law at the University of Cádiz (Spain). Author of numerous articles and books, book chapters, reports and conference presentations in all his research areas. He holds both an LL.B. and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cádiz. At present, his research is centred on maritime law, third-party liability (tort law), financial system law and electronic commerce law. Former Dean of the Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2015-2019. He has received a significant number of awards: for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the year, University of Cádiz (1996), First award for articles on International Transport Law, University of Castellón (Spain), November 2005. IV award for monographies on International Transport Law, University of Castellón (Spain), November 2011. Research Grant from the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privaterecht, 2004. Grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst  (DAAD ) 2006. He is a participant in the Project: La universidad como sujeto transformador de la realidad social en materia de igualdad de género, financed by the Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo, University of Cádiz and University San Carlos of Guatemala.

Teresa PONTÓN ARICHA (f) PhD, from the University of Cádiz. Her education took place in the same institution where she obtained the Law Degree, the Master in Agrifood and the Master in Taxation before reaching the Doctoral degree.

In addition to her teaching work, she develops several lines of research connected by the defense and guarantees of taxpayers before the Tax Administration, for instance: tax incentives linked to gender violence; the taxpayer’s position before the Courts of Justice and before the Administration.

She is the author of several national and international publications, has presented numerous papers and communications at prestigious seminars and conferences. Her work includes: “Retos ante el 50 aniversario de la Unión Aduanera”, in “Cádiz al mundo: del floreciente siglo XVIII a los retos del Port of the future del siglo XXI”, Luis López Molina (dir.), Dykinson 2018, 978-84-9148-709-8, págs. 535-544. “Transferencia de resultados en derecho tributario, un objetivo a lograr”, in “Apuntes sobre la transferencia de investigación en Derecho Financiero y Tributario”, López Martínez & Pérez Lara (dirs.), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2017. “El “Brexit” sus aspectos tributarios y su especial impacto en Gibraltar”, in Quincena Fiscal, nº8, 2017, págs. 59-74.

Leticia CABRERA CARO (f) is an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law, Former Dean of the School of Law (Algeciras Campus) in University of Cadiz, in Spain; she is currently also Vice-Dean of Quality and Teaching at the School of Law in Jerez in University of Cádiz. Member of the INDESS (University Institute of Research for Social Sustainable Development) at the University of Cádiz. Leticia holds a Degree in Law and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cádiz (1999); her research focuses on History of legal and political thought, Human Rights and dignity, and gender ideology. She has written one book by herself and co-authored another two, along with many papers and book chapters, reports and conference presentations within her research area. Some relevant publications: “Personas y seres humanos: ¿Distinción o identidad?”, in Ius et Scientia (2017) Vol. 3, n. 1, pp. 114-124; “El modelo de la complementariedad desde una perspectiva histórico-jurídica”, in Aparisi Miralles, A. (coord.), Estudios sobre género y Derecho. Hacia un modelo de género de la igualdad en la diferencia. Thomson-Reuters-Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2016, “Una aproximación histórica a la concepción realista del derecho”, in Persona y Derecho, 74 (2016), pp. 75-95; “El consentimiento libre: la trampa de la explotación femenina en la maternidad subrogada”, in Revista Chilena de Derecho (2019), in press (aceptado: 11/04/2019).

Manuel RODRIGUEZ PUERTO (m) currently holds the position of Professor of Philosophy of Law (“Profesor Titular”, in Spanish terminology) at the University of Cadiz. He is Coordinator of the Degree in Law at the same University. Manuel has a Degree and a Doctoral Degree in Law. His areas of interest are Legal Methodology, Legal Hermeneutics, History of Legal Thought, Law and new Technologies and the development of modern individualism; inside this topic, he is now interested in the relationship between the philosophy of the Enlightenment and the origin of women´s rights.

He has written books, book chapters and papers on those topics. Some relevant publications are: Interpretación, derecho, ideología. Comares, Granada, 2011. ISBN 978-84-9836-912-0;  “Internet y el problema del concepto de derecho”, in Cabanellas de las Cuevas, G. (Dir.) / Montes de Oca, A. (Coord.), Derecho de Internet. Heliasta, Buenos Aires, 2012. ISBN 9789508851291. Págs. 65 – 106.; “Libertad y Derecho en Internet: el mito del Ciberespacio”, in Megías Quirós, J.J. (Ed.), Sociedad de la Información: Derecho, libertad, comunidad. Cizur Menor, Thomson, 2007, ISBN 9788483552919. Págs. 43 – 93. “Internet y los derechos de las personas”, Persona y Derecho, 58, 2008, págs. 147 – 183. “Jus commune y derecho subjetivo en el siglo XVI”; “Propiedad e individuo en la Modernidad”, in VV.AA. El derecho subjetivo en su Historia. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2003, 8477863709. Págs. 289-387.

Mª del Mar MARTÍN ARAGÓN (f) is a graduate in Law, Expert in Criminality and Public Security; she holds a Master’s Degree in Criminality and Public Security, and an International Mention PhD (Hons. Cum Laude) awarded by the University of Cadiz. Her PhD research was entitled “A Criminological and legal analysis in long term imprisonment” and was written in Spanish and English, with the thesis dissertation in both languages as well. This thesis had three external examiners (Prof. Jo Phoenix – Open University-, Neil Chakraborti (University of Leicester and Loraine Gelsthorpe, University of Cambdrige). She has taught subjects focused on gender such as “Specific Criminality Patterns: gender issues” within the Criminology course. Even in the case of subjects that are not initially related to gender issues, she has always tried to introduce a gender perspective; e.g. in the Erasmus Masters’s Degree on Water and Coastal Management (which is taught entirely in English) where she teaches Conflict Resolutions, she introduced a lesson on The Role of Women in Transboundary Water Dispute Resolution. She has participated in a research project focused on gender (Equality and Criminal Law: gender and nationality as primary discrimination factors (DER 2010-19781) – within this project she published a book chapter titled “Roma women imprisoned: results from a sample in the prisons from Alcala de Guadaira and Puerto III”. She is also a member of the Academic Board of two Master’s programmes (Criminal Law and Water Coastal Management). She has been a reviewer since 2018 for the MDPI Journal of Social Sciences. She consistently scores very highly in a tool used for the evaluation of the teaching activity. She has given presentations in many International conferences in English (Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) Conference, International Conference of the European Environmental Law). She carried out a research stay at the University of Toronto, at the University of Leicester (granted) and a teaching Stay at the University of Insubria. She has a C1 qualification in English. She has been a supervisor for several Final Degree and Master’s degree Studies Projects related to gender (imprisoned women, criminal women) and has been a member of the Master’s degree thesis evaluation board in the Gender Master at the University of Cadiz. Next November at the American Society of Criminology (of which she is a member, along with membership in the British society of Criminology) she will be chair of the Session “Female Sex Offenders”.

Eva BERMÚDEZ FIGUEROA (f) PhD in Sociology, Department of General Economics. Area of Sociology – Sociologist, postgraduate in Gender, identity and citizenship, PhD in Gender and Social Science. Her research addresses gender and unionism and labour relations, together with the labour market and segregation of women. She has been a visiting researcher at the Queen Mary University of London in the Centre of Equality and Diversity, in the Alliance Manchester Business School, at the University of Manchester, and in the European Work and Employment Research Centre (EWERC). She is a member of the Research Net 14 (RN14) for Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State in European Sociological Association (ESA).

She has published in international reviews, such as Labour History, Labour and Working Class History, Journal of Applied Research for Higher Education, and edited books for national publishers such as Catarata, or international ones, such as Nova Publishers (USA). She has conducted research on “The participation of women in the workers movement in Sherry Area (1966-2017)” in 2017-2018, or “The under –representation of women in local administration: El Puerto de Santa María” in 2018-2019.

Pedro Manuel MANCHA (m) is a Non-Tenured Professor at the University of Cadiz, where he currently teaches Theory of Law, Legal Reasoning and History of Political Ideas. Pedro M. is also a member of the University of Cadiz INDESS (University Institute of Research for Social Sustainable Development). He holds a Law Degree granted by the Pontifical University of Comillas – ICADE, as well as a PhD degree granted by the University of Cadiz, that was awarded with an Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award. Also, he obtained the University of Cambridge International Legal English Certificate (akin to CEFR C-1 level). His approach to inequality and non-discrimination is embedded within the Human Rights framework and the intertwining of Legal Systems and Complexity Sciences, this being his main research field. Pedro M. has authored different papers, book chapters and a book. Some relevant publications are: Mancha, P.M. (2017). Teoría de la complejidad, caos y Derecho: Una lectura jurídica de las dinámicas emergentes y no lineales. Madrid: Marcial Pons Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales. ISBN: 978-84-9123-064-9.; Mancha, P.M. (2019). “En los inicios del orden: el pensar de Parménides y Heráclito”, Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho, núm. 40, 2019, pp. 147-167. ISSN 1138-9877; Mancha, P.M. (2017). “Complex Legal Approaches to Internet Law”, Chapter of Systemic Actions in Complex Scenarios. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1 -5275-0006-3.; Mancha, P.M. (2017). “Grounding CompLawxity: Towards a Dynamic Theory of Law”, book chapter of Inventing the Future in an Age of Contingency. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-4438-5187-9.”

Isabel Mª VILLAR FUENTES (f) is an Associate professor of Processual Law, Dean of the School of Law (Algeciras campus) at the University of Cadiz, in Spain. Member of the INDESS (University Institute of Research for Social Sustainable development) at the University of Cadiz. Isabel Villar Fuentes holds a degree in Law and a Doctorate in Law from the University of Cadiz (2011), she researches Preliminary Measures in Industrial Property, Mediation, Measures of Technological Investigation in Criminal Proceedings and Procedural Protection of Vulnerable People. She is the author of a monography: Las diligencias preliminares en el Proceso de Propiedad Industrial, and many papers and book chapters, reports and conference presentations within her research area. Some relevant publications: “Algunas reflexiones sobre legitimación para la protección de los intereses de los consumidores y usuarios”; “Solicitud decisión prejudicial tribunal alemán sobre aplicación Directiva 2004/48 (secreto bancario y protección de la propiedad industrial)”, “Contrasto alla criminalità organizzata e conseguenti restrizioni alla privacy: Indagine preliminare e situazioni d’urgenza nel processo penale spagnolo”; “Investigación criminal y Smart Data”; “El uso de las nuevas tecnologías en las diligencias de investigación: especial referencia a supuestos de terrorismo”; “Usuarios de banca: ¿doblemente vulnerables?…

María ZAMBONINO PULITO (f) Professor of Administrative Law. She has been teaching Administrative Law (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) since 1989. Regarding her  research activities, she is principal researcher (IP) of the PAIDI Research Group “Administraciones Públicas, libertades públicas y política sectoriales”, and also IP of some Researching Projects, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, National Plan I+D+I and International Cooperation Projects. Main lines of research: Maritime Administrative Law; Administrative Law (general part); Governance, good governance and good administration. Author of a significant number of monographs published by a renowned publisher (Tirant lo Blanch): “Régimen jurídico de los puertos deportivos”, “La protección jurídico-administrativa del medio marino”, “Régimen jurídico de la marina mercante”, “El deber de la Administración de no resolver materialmente el procedimiento”. She has published many papers in Scientific Journals (with impact factor) and numerous book chapters. She has contributed as director of a collective work. She is Director of several doctoral theses. In the field of management, General Secretary at the University of Cadiz, Director of the Centro Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Algeciras, Director of the Department of Public Law and Coordinator of the Administrative Law Area.

María Isabel RIVAS CASTILLO (f) Associate Professor at the Department of Public Law, Administrative Law Area of the University of Cadiz (UCA). She is currently Director of the Secretariat of Academic Processes of the Vice-rectorate of Students and Employment of the University of Cadiz. Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, and doctorate in Law from the same University (June 2006). She has numerous publications: articles, books and chapters of books on legal topics, mainly related to Administrative Law, and is a permanent collaborator in several legal journals. She is currently a member of the Research Group “Public Administrations, Public Freedoms and Sectoral Policies” (SEJ – 582). She has participated in several R&D Projects at the Complutense University of Madrid, the Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario University (Colombia), the University of Cadiz and the AbdelMalek Essaadi University (Morocco). She has been part of several projects of teaching innovation, organizing and participating in Conferences and Congresses on teaching innovation at the university. Teaching at different Spanish universities and in more than sixty groups of different university cycles and different specialities (degree and postgraduate -master and doctorate-), at the Complutense University of Madrid, the Oberta University of Catalonia and the University of Cadiz.

Asunción ARAGÓN VARO (f), Senior Lecturer in English Studies and Gender Studies at the University of Cadiz, Spain. She is the academic coordinator of the Master’s Programme: “Gender studies, identities and citizenship” and PhD supervisor in the Gender studies doctoral programme. Dr. Aragon is a member of the Gender Equality Committee at the University of Cadiz. Director of the women’s studies group. She also takes part in several international networks such as the European Gender Studies Network or the Afroeuropeans: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe research network. Her research centres on feminist and queer theory, the intersections of gender and race in cultural studies and literature. Some of her publications include:

“Breaking/Voicing the Silence: Diriye Osman’s Fairy Tales for Lost Children”

“Cartografías sexuales y escritoras hispanoafricanas: Agnès Agboton y Guillermina Mekuy”[Sexual cartographies and AfroHispanic Women Writers].

“This is a Man’s World: Drag Kings and the Female Embodiment of Masculinity”.

“Los Placeres Obscenos: Espacios y prácticas sexuales durante la Ilustración” [Obscene Pleasures: Spaces and Sexual Practices in the Enlightenment].

“Rethinking the ‘Gendered’ African Diaspora”.

“Diasporic Discourses and Cultures: Buchi Emecheta”.

“Género, globalización y ciudadanía en la literatura Africana de mujeres” [ “Gender, globalisation and citizenship: African women writers ].

“Más allá del sol de las independencias: Breve introducción a la literatura anglófona en Nigeria”[“Beyond the Suns of independence: A short introduction to Nigerian literature”].

“Escritoras africanas: otras mujeres, otras literaturas” [“African women writers: ‘Other’ women, ‘other’ literature].

María ACALE SÁNCHEZ (f) Full Professor in Criminal Law at the University of Cadiz, Spain. She holds a PhD in Criminal Law since 1997. Within the “Gender studies, identities and citizenship” Master’s Programme, she is the coordinator of the part on “Equality Politics”.

Her work mainly focuses on criminal law and gender; she has many publications on these topics, including 3 books, many book chapters and specialty journals, out of which recently:

  • Violencia sexual de género contra las mujeres adultas, especial referencia a los delitos de agresión y abuso sexual.  ed. Reus, Madrid 2019 (Sexual violence against adult women specially in the case of rape and sexual abuse).
  • Penal and Custodial Control of Female Criminality in Spain from a Gender Perspective, REF. REVISTA/LIBRO ®: Social Sciences, 2019, 19,8,52, DOI: 10.3390/sosc18020052 (

She was contracted by the Spanish Parliament (Grupo Confederal de UP-En Común Podem-En Marea) to work on a proposal regarding the Law about the integral protection of sexual freedom and the fight against sexual violence (Ley sobre medidas de protección integral de la libertad sexual y de la lucha contra las violencias sexistas) (signed: 5.6.2018). Moreover, she was invited by the European Parliament as a speaker in the Public Hearing Security policies and human rights: difficulties and opportunities (23rd January 2019).

Beatriz CRUZ MÁRQUEZ (f). is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Cáadiz, Spain. She has published papers on criminal justice and gender violence issues, especially on juvenile criminal policy and the effects of treatment on detention execution. Professor Cruz has authored and edited books and approximately twenty article journals and book chapters, which have been published mainly in Spain, but also in Portugal, Mexico and Chile. She has given dozens of lectures at universities and research centres of Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Chile and Bolivia. Professor Cruz has also acted as visiting scholar at the University of Münster (Germany), funded by the program DAAD-MOVE. Moreover, Professor Cruz has participated in some ten research projects funded by public institutions and coordinated by several Universities. She has looked into a wide variety of criminal law, criminological and penal issues.

Raquel PASTOR YUSTE: (f) Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Cadiz (Spain) and researcher of the Research Group Labour, Politics and Gender. Degree in Sociology and Political Science, and a PhD in Sociology. She has participated in research projects about the relationship among gender, elites, political parties and democratic representation in Spain, and has published several articles and monographs on women’s political representation such as: Género, elites políticas y representación parlamentaria en España (2011, Tirant Lo Blanch),  “La dimensión simbólica de la representación política en el Parlamento español” (2014, Revista Española de Ciencia Política), and “Women’s political firsts and symbolic representation (2018, Gender of Women, Politics and Policy). Currently, she is the director of the Equality Unit at the University of Cadiz.

