Saarland University Team

Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich holds the Chair of European Union Law, Public International Law and Public Law, as well as the Jean Monnet Chair for European Integration, Anti-discrimination, Human Rights and Diversity at the Faculty of Law at Saarland University. He is also the Director of the Europa-Institut. He studied Law at the University in Mainz where he also received his PhD in law. Moreover, he holds a LL.M. degree of the University of Virginia/USA. His publications include numerous books, chapters and articles on various topics of Anti-discrimination Law, Human Rights, European Union law, international law and (comparative) constitutional law. In particular, one of his recent articles – “The Dispute about a Wedding Cake – Homosexuality v. Freedom of Expression and Religion in a Pluralistic Society”, ZEuS, 2011, emphasises how conflicts of secular or religious creeds and political opinions can be solved in a manner appropriate for a constitutional state.

Ass. iur. Christina Backes is a teaching and research assistant, in charge for the Jean-Monnet Chair for European Integration, Antidiscrimination, Human Rights and Diversity for Prof. Giegerich. She is also the managing editor for ZEuS at the Europa-Institut. She graduated from the University of Saarland and Lorraine, holding a degree in German and French law. Moreover, she did her master at the Europa-Institut in European and International Law. She also worked as a researcher at the University of Saarland for the Chair of Civil Law, European and International Law, Private and Civil Procedure Law. Also, she worked as a trainee at the Higher Regional Court in Saarland.

Ass. iur. Mareike Fröhlich LL.M. is head of the SEE|EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law. Also, she is a research associate and project coordinator for several international research and teaching projects at the Europa-Institut of Saarland University. She studied law at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn and holds a LL.M. degree in European and International Law of the Europa-Institut. She is an active member of the Editorial Board for ZEuS at the Europa-Institut. She worked on several reports and Evaluation Sheets for the Committee of the Regions (“The Importance of Education for the Integration of Migrants”, “A new partnership for the modernization of universities: the EU forum for University Business Dialogue”, “Combating functional illiteracy – Preventing exclusion and promoting personal fulfillment”, “Towns and Universities: factors for promoting the right business conditions in a knowledge-based region”). She published articles on European and International Economic Law, such as “The potential Influence of Free Trade Agreements as a Boost for a multilateral Competition Law – The special Case of SAAs and CEFTA”, in: Popovic, Legal Implications of Trade Liberalization under SAAs and CEFTA, 2018; “Die Rechtsprechung der WTO-Streitbeilegungsorgane in den Jahren 2009 und 2010 “, in: ZEuS 2011, 163 (zusammen mit Anja Trautmann und Tilmann Lahann); “Liberalisierung im Telekommunikationsrecht: Regionalisierung von Märkten – Deregulierung am Beispiel des Breitbandzugangs”, in: ZEuS 2010, 333.

Julia Jungfleisch, LL.M., Dipl. iur., is research associate and PhD student at the Jean-Monnet Chair for European Integration, Antidiscrimination, Human Rights and Diversity of Prof. Dr. Giegerich. She studied Law at Saarland University and holds a LL.M. in International Human Rights Law from the University of Exeter. Her research interests are children`s rights as well as European and International Human Rights law. She published articles on different aspects of European and International Human Rights Law, inter alia on possible direct effects of the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of gender and sexual orientation.

Laura Katharina WOLL, LL.M., Ass. iur., is a research associate at the Jean-Monnet Chair for European Integration, Antidiscrimination, Human Rights and Diversity of Prof. Dr. Giegerich. She graduated from University of Saarland and University of Lorraine holding degrees of German and French law as well as an LL.M. degree in European and International Law from the Europa-Institut. She also worked as a trainee lawyer at Higher Regional Court in Saarbrucken, Speyer and Freiburg and published articles concerning topics such as the compatibility of general data retention with EU law or the existence of a “right to die” under the ECHR. In her current dissertation project she analyses the case law of the ECtHR on domestic violence and the influences of the Istanbul Convention.
