Seminar in Tax Law dedicated to the issues of taxation and gender equality
On 13 December 2019 the Serbian Fiscal Society and Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade had their 28th Tax Evening (Seminar in Tax Law) dedicated to the issues of taxation and gender equality.
In addition to the legal and ethical (moral values) aspects, gender equality can also be perceived as an important prerequisite for sustainable development of a society. The aim of the 28th Tax Evening was to enable understanding of comprehensiveness of the gender inequality in our society and identifying the starting point from which taxation policy can also contribute to management of the issues. The Evening coincided with another meeting, the first of its kind, held also at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade that marked the beginning of an effort to draw a common curriculum for master studies of law and gender for a number of European universities and it represents the first contribution of the taxation component in the process.
The audience was greeted by Prof. Dragica Vujadinović, who was instrumental in developing the idea of creating a joint master program of law and gender, while our lecturers at the 28th Tax Evening were:
- Ivana Krstić, LLD, full professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade;
- Ljubinka Kovačević, LLD, associate professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade;
- Prof Jelena Žarković, DEC, associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade;
- Sanja Nikolin, expert in gender-responsive budgeting and activist of the Women’s Platform for the Development of Serbia;
- Svetislav V. Kostić, LLD, assistant professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.