Research on gender perspective in legal and higher education at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, which has been unfolding for several years now, started with the organization of an international conference, entitled “Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education – International Good Practices and Local Contexts“, held on October 20, 2017 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. The conference was organized by the Center for Human Rights of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, with the support of the Organization for European Security and Cooperation (OSCE) Mission to Serbia, and the participation of distinguished authors from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Czech Republic and Serbia. A round table devoted to the topic was also organized within the conference, aptly titled “Towards the all-encompassing solutions for introducing gender perspective into policies of higher education”, and the highest representatives of educational institutions, governmental bodies, independent controlling authorities in Serbia, as well as the representatives of the domestic and foreign institutions which have been acting in Serbia to support its accession to the European Union, pointed to the practical achievements and visions of gender equality policies in the scope of their competences. The primary aim of this round table was to promote discussion and an exchange of ideas in a way which would be productive and cumulative for the further strategic steps in the sphere of gender sensitivization of higher education. In addition, the presentations which were given at the conference were later on published in the book Gender Equality in Higher Education: Concepts, Practices and Challenges (Rodna ravnopravnost u visokom obrazovanju: Koncepti, prakse i izazovi – Dragica Vujadinović, Zorana Antonijević /ed./, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad, 2019).
A review of the book in English, published in the Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, can be read here