Multiplier Event No. 2 at University of Cadiz, 19th and 20th July 2021

International Congress Gender and law in practice and education” was held on the 19th and 20th July 2021, as part of the scientific project “New Quality in Education for Gender Equality – Strategic Partnership for the Development of Master`s Study Program Law and Gender (LAWGEM)”. The Congress, that was organised by the University of Cadiz as LAWGEM Multiplier Event No. 2, was held in a hybrid form, and gathered a great number of academia representatives from the European states as well as from the USA and Brazil.

The Rector of the University of Cadiz, Professor Dr. Francisco Piniella opened the Conference with a welcome address, introducing the first session Gender perspective framework and jurisdiction. After introductory remarks by the Dean of the University of Cadiz Faculty of Law Professor Dr. Isabel Zurita, Professor Dr. David B. Oppenheimer, Clinical Professor of Law and Director of Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law, held a lecture on the topic: “How can we leverage the Internet to effectively teach comparative equality in a comparative context?”. This key-note lecture was followed by the lecture of Professor Dr. Laura Carballo from the World Maritime University on the topic: “International and national arena interplay – Gender perspective”. The first working day was concluded with a discussion chaired by Professor Dr. Isabel Ribes, Head of the Faculty of Labour Sciences in Campus Bahia de Algeciras at the University of Cadiz.

The session Gender perspective in practice opened the second day of the Congress and it was chaired by Professor Dr. Thais Guerrero, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Labour Sciences of the University of Cadiz. During the same session, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the EU, Julianne Kokott spoke about the topic: “Impact of gender perspective on legal profession – Useful or harmful” while Professor Dr. Daniel Perez, Lecturer at Carlos III University, Madrid, consecrated his lecture to the topic: “Gender action plans in academia”. This session was closed after a discussion which Professor Dr. Jesus Verdu moderated.

During the Congress, LAWGEM team members had the opportunity to present courses developed in the frame of this project. Professor Dr. Ljubinka Kovacevic and Professor Dr. Isabel Ribes presented the topic:Gender Aspects of Labour and Social Security Law”; the topic “Private Law and Gender Equality” was covered by Professor Letizia Coppo; Professors Manuela Orthega and Lydia Bares discussed the topic “Feminist Economics/Gender Economics” and finally Mareike Frohlich presented the topic: “Gender Equality and Business Law”.

The Congress was closed after the presentations of papers prepared by scholars from all over the Europe, USA as well as from Brazil. The papers will be published in the book: Mª Isabel Ribes Moreno (ed.), “Gender and Law in Practice and Education”, Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2021.

1) Opening of the International LAWGEM Congress “Gender and Law in Practice and Education”,

2)  Lecture of Prof. Dr David B. Oppenheimer “How Can We Leverage the Internet to Effectively Teach Comparative Equality in a Comparative Context?”,

3) Lecture of Prof. Dr Laura Carballo Piñeiro “International and National Arena Interplay – Gender Perspective”,

4) Lecture of Prof. Dr. Juliane Kokott “Impact of Gender Perspective on Legal Profession – Useful or Harmful”,

5) Lecture of Prof. Dr. Daniel Pérez del Prado “Gender Action Plans in Academia”,

Book printed on the basis of the Cadiz conference/ ME2

